
Apr 17, 2011 14:24

Who: Moa, Federico, Luke Triton
Where: AUcedo, the school.
When: The evening of the last day.
Rating: PG-13 to R for dying.
Summary: Misery loves company. So do frightened kids with nowhere to run.
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[ professor layton ] luke triton, [ assassin's creed ] federico auditore, [ storm thief ] moa

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Comments 10

is_the_eldest April 19 2011, 03:29:08 UTC
He'll stay close to her, letting her lead. Even having been here as long as they all had now, the surroundings of this Discedo were foreign and frightening to him. So many things he didn't understand or couldn't fathom. And honestly he didn't want to.

So he'll hold her hand tight and keep an eye out for anyone following them. He's almost afraid to talk, as if the smallest noise might alert someone to their position and come after them.

It was bad enough they supposedly had to die to leave this Discedo, but being hunted by soldiers? Sure it was a way to die, but it hardly meant he wanted to.


(I don't know if Conan is joining us? Do you?) luke_triton April 19 2011, 14:42:44 UTC
Luke wasn't so keen on the whole dying thing. Sure, he'd heard the instructions. And sure, he--somewhat--understood the ramifications of not dying as instructed to get out of this alternative city.

Still didn't mean he wanted to die.

Regardless of all this, his school had a small library. He'd hid behind the shelves of books when the building was searched through to determine if it was empty and he was immensely thankful he hadn't been caught. For a few hours he read up on the history of this Discedo.

But it was dark, and he hadn't realized it had gotten so late. He would absolutely be caught if--when, probably--the soldiers went through the building to enforce the inside-before-dark curfew.

With a few pages of notes stuffed into his bag, he slid out of the school and onto the street. His heart skipped a beat when he heard footsteps, and he held his breath until the footsteps drew nearer.

[ooc: hope this is okay!]


sounds like he died early on by beatrice, so its just us! dreamermoa April 20 2011, 01:58:22 UTC
She peeked around the corner of the building, clumsily checking if it was safe. She had not in fact expected to see anyone there, and especially not a familiar someone.

"Luke? Is that you?" a stage whisper, her hand tightening on Federico's just in case it....wasn't Luke and was actually some kind of horrible Luke-like monster or something.


Okie dokey! luke_triton April 21 2011, 21:01:22 UTC
Luke froze when he heard someone address him, trying to fight the urge to sprint as fast as he possibly could in some direction other than towards said voice. But then, he realized it was Moa's voice he heard, and that was okay.

He scooched forward from the wall he'd pressed himself against, then skittered down the sidewalk directly over to her. There was about three seconds of hesitation and then he grabbed her arm tight and was standing almost against her he was so close to her side, looking around nervously. He didn't care if he looked childish or silly. This Discedo was just as scary as the Discedo they'd started out in. Maybe even scarier.

"M...Miss Moa."


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