Turtles spam the log comm!

Apr 28, 2010 21:04

Who: Donatello (techoutmystaff)and Leonardo (dual_soulninja) Hamato
Where: Leo's room, Latimir 110+111; more specifically, Donny's head
When: Late at night; forward-dated to early AM hours of Thursday, April 28th (which still counts as Wednesday so there).
Rating: PG-13 for possible blood?
Summary: When Donatello spends the night in Leo's room, he gets a bit more comfort than ( Read more... )

[ tmnt ] leonardo, [ tmnt ] donatello

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dual_soulninja April 29 2010, 01:26:35 UTC
Leo had been in the Astral Plane for nearly four days. It still creeped him the shell out. The turtle was used to the fluctuating energies and the onslaught of 'spirits' as he traveled through it. But that was back on Earth. The Plane he had committed himself to now, was nearly desolate. The 'fog' that drifted around him was colorless, hanging limply in the stale 'air'. Nothing moved, but he could feel the presence of millions that no longer had a physical tie to the world. There was so much anger and despair, it was taking his full abilities to keep the cold clammy feeling away ( ... )


dual_soulninja May 2 2010, 08:06:28 UTC
The sudden blast of light made Leo reel back a bit, reaching up to rub his eyes. Once the 'world' came into focus, he almost wished he was blind once again. The sight that greeted him made his stomach clench and he had to take a steadying breath to keep from collapsing into a heap in front of Donny. Everything was in plain view...Mikey beside him, Raph...God Raph was stretched out towards him ( ... )


techoutmystaff May 2 2010, 23:21:29 UTC
"I know it isn't our future--but I still watched them--" Donatello cuts himself off, staring at his brother.

Leonardo was doing his best to hide it, but Donatello could see just how much this was hurting Leo. How close Leo was to breaking down. Guilt welled up inside him. He hadn't meant to hurt his brother. This was what happened when he wanted something from his brothers. It was better to grin and bear it.

"I-I shouldn't be showing you this," Donatello choked out. "You don't need to see this...."

And he wanted to end the dream.. but didn't. It was selfish of him, but he wanted Leo to understand, to know his pain, to... No. No. Donatello covered his eyes and wished with all his might that the bodies would disappear. When he uncovered his eyes, they were gone.

Donatello hesitated, then reached out to touch the shell of his older brother, noticing how he could just barely feel it; there was no scar on Leo's back, something that Don failed to notice. "I-I'm sorry, Leo."


dual_soulninja May 15 2010, 23:09:28 UTC
"No." His voice was strong again- the visage of leader strengthening his hold over his emotions; but his voice and eyes were still warm. He watched the bodies vanish, staring with deep hate at the un-moving form of his once greatest ally. He shook his head and looked at his little brother.

"I needed to see this." He took a breath, Raph and he had agreed, they wouldn't reveal anything to Donatello of their future. No matter how tempting. But here, in the depths of his brothers mind, Leo felt it was safe to divulge at least a few things he'd learned from the Ancient One.

"We're the only family we can ever have. Loosing you guys, or even seeing you hurt in some way is something I have to see. Even if the pain isn't something I can openly see." He rested his hand on Don's shell, "This is the most horrible thing...I...We'll ever have to face- but it won't happen."

He wouldn't let it, and he knew without question that Donatello wouldn't either.


techoutmystaff May 16 2010, 00:16:53 UTC
"But it did happen, Leo," Donatello whispered back, looking at his brother; the second he did, the bodies reappeared, his mind no longer activately trying to hide them, and he failed to notice. "I saw it. I saw everything. They're still dead."

He closes his eyes and shakes his head, a fist tightening. "T-That's why we can't let it happen to our family. I can't let this happen again. It won't happen again."

Donatello squeezed his eyes shut tighter. He had to tell himself that. That he was there, this time, and therefore, it couldn't ever happen.

"L-Leo... can I wake up, now?" Donatello half-pleaded, not wanting to open his eyes. "I want to wake up. I want out of this nightmare."


dual_soulninja May 19 2010, 04:37:54 UTC
"It won't happen." There was a growl in his voice now and he put both hands on Donny shoulders, getting the younger turtle to focus on him. It would come close to happening, but they would survive- and Leo would push himself to make sure it never got that close again.

"I promise. I'll do anything I can to keep it from happening." A small trill of panic shot through Leo. He knew enough about Dream Walking to know if Donny woke up, while he was still in his mind- Leo's spirit would be trapped. And the terrapin had no idea how to fix it.

"Donny you can't wake up. Not right now...I have to get out of here first but I don't want to leave you like this."


techoutmystaff May 20 2010, 00:22:43 UTC
"That's not the point, Leo!" Donatello shook his head, voice still quiet, before forcing his eyes open to look his brother straight in the eye. "My problem is that I saw it happened. I saw them die. They're dead."

Why couldn't Leo understand that?

He straightened a bit when he saw the moment of panic in Leo's eyes, and his own eyes widened. "R-Right... no.. waking up." He stared at Leo still, his anguish momentary dampened by worry for Leo, but it came back quick enough, and he looked away once more. "... I-I don't know if you can help me."


dual_soulninja May 20 2010, 04:49:25 UTC
Leo frowned a little, it was to picture this happening at all, to see his brother lying dead on the ground not even five feet away. A small bit of guilt began to build inside him and he tightened his hold on Donny. He wanted to say 'let it go', they died fighting, with honor. He knew those words would eventually bring comfort to him...but Don wasn't a warrior- he was too gentle for that.


He frowned at the words; when they had all been younger, big brother dealt with nightmares and chased away ghosts under the bed. Now...he couldn't help but that that Donatello was right- Leo couldn't think on how to help Donny right at this moment. The half sensed sights and sounds that echoed around him were too dull for him to pick anything up. To feel what his younger brother was feeling.

"I can try. Don I don't know what's going on, I don't have the full story but...you saw what the rest of us can't even imagine- and...you've survived.


techoutmystaff May 20 2010, 14:19:07 UTC
The fact that Leo didn't know what to do was both comforting and painful at the exact same time. Comforting, because it was a reminder that even Leo didn't know how to get through this by himself. Painful, because Leo didn't know how to help him.

"Survived only because you and Raph were here," Donatello shook his head again, leaning forward against Leo; Leo had no scars in his mind, and Donny preferred that. "But.. for a brief moment, they were themselves again. Mikey even smiled, once...."

Maybe his view was a bit pessimistic, but he was tired, and it was hard to be his usual optimistic self. Donatello wanted to wake up, and that should have been enough to wake him, but Leo's presence was making it harder. Which was a good thing, really, since it'd be bad if he woke up with Leo in his head.

He sighed. "We need to get you out of here. I don't wanna be here anymore."

Donatello was shutting down the avenues of communication; he was tired.


dual_soulninja May 20 2010, 17:38:31 UTC
Leo put an arm around Don's shell, it was killing him- not being to help his brothers in something like this, but it had been a long while since he'd soothed nightmares and had to coddle someone to this affect. He sighed softly and nodded. "I'm sorry, Don..."

He pulled away a little and for once, actually looked a bit sheepish, "Uh, yeah about that. I'm not entirely sure how I got in here in the first place." Which meant he had no idea how to get back out.


techoutmystaff May 22 2010, 18:11:09 UTC
Donatello just stayed close to his brother, and doesn't say anything to the apology immediately; when he does, it's in a quiet voice. "Don't apologize, Leo. It's not your fault."

And that brought a weak laugh to Donatello's throat, which surprised him. "... You're new to this?"


dual_soulninja May 22 2010, 19:16:15 UTC
He just nodded, no it wasn't his fault but he still felt bad that he couldn't fully help his brother.

"Er...y-yeah. I'm entirely sure how I wound up in here."


techoutmystaff May 22 2010, 19:37:08 UTC
Donatello's quiet for a moment, thinking. If he thinks about how to get Leo out of his body, then he doesn't have to think about what happened here. That's easier. A lot easier.

"... P-Probably my fault. I called for you," Donatello looks up after a moment, looking a little lost.


dual_soulninja May 22 2010, 19:57:20 UTC
"That makes sense." He met Don's eyes and gave a short nod, "Then...if that's the case, I'm stuck here until you force me back out."

How to go about that though, Leo wasn't sure. It could be anything from Donny having to mentally push Leo out or just focus and concentrate him out.


techoutmystaff May 22 2010, 20:12:12 UTC
"But how do we do that?" Donatello asked, looking at a loss. "I've never dealt with these sorts of things before, Leo...."


dual_soulninja May 22 2010, 21:27:58 UTC
Leo nodded, "I've only studied it. I wasn't with the Ancient One long enough to get much of a practical on it." He relaxed and thought for a few moments. He sighed and leaned back.

"It's all pure power of will. If you're will to get me out is stronger then the one to keep me here- I'll return to the astral plane."


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