Jan 08, 2010 20:44

What better to start a new year (besides monsters and weird broadcasting ghosts, and all) than an ITEM RAIN

If you’re new to Discedo, or have never experienced an item rain in your life (you should 8(), the details are here:

1. Basically what happens: the machine the scientists use to bring people to Discedo malfunctions briefly, so instead of people, you get items from your character’s home world!
2. The items will be there when you wake up (you won’t actually see items falling from the sky)
3. Only TWO items per character. This keeps things nice, fair, and uncomplicated.
4. Keep the items within reason, please! Nothing TOO huge or TOO powerful. We have the right to deny your character their item.

To request your items (remember, only two. Although they can be things like A WEAPON... and some clothes. And that will still count as two!), just leave a comment to this post. Consider them automatically approved upon requesting, unless we leave you a comment to change it. Otherwise, silence is consent. Or so they say.

Items will arrive on Tuesday, January 12th (you saw nothing)

edit: No pets are allowed, guys. Sorry.

item get

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