Moar Plot Update! Continued from
this one. It's time for the second set of riddles to be answered! Were your guesses correct? These are a bit tougher, and more vague, but some of you were able to figure it out.
The answers are as follows:
Church, head (within a massive, hollowed-out bible):
The base of the throat, near the vocal cords.
Arms store, right arm (on the checkout counter):
The tendons in the front of the wrist that control finger movement.
Library, left arm (sticking out from a shelf):
The funny bone.
Docks, left leg, with foot (hanging as if it were a prize fish):
A spot in the thigh, near to a major nerve that plays a part in walking ability.
Hydroelectric plant, right leg (stuck within the gears of the plant):
The calf muscle.
Boutique, torso (set up like a model, wearing negligee):
In the breast, slightly above the heart.
Northern Lights, left hand (in a frying pan):
Inbetween the second and third knuckle.
Mariner High School; Gym, right foot (with the equipment):
The achilles tendon.
How was that? Tricky, huh?
Remember, only one of these locations is correct. You're just going to have to use trial and error to find out the right one, and that likely means you'll have to cut up your buddies a little (hopefully they will be willing). The limbs will be scattered out tomorrow, so be ready for a log then!
A SPECIAL NOTE TO DOCTORS / GUINEA PIGS:If you want to attempt removing a chip, please comment in this post, with your characters name and journal, as well as your patient's name and journal. We will contact you privately when the surgery is held, to tell you if you chose the correct spot or not.
The plot so far:
June 2nd:
Grendel's post: [link]
Open log for finding the chest on Ingles Trail: [link]
June 3rd: Chip locations are revealed here.
June 4th: Coming soon...
OOC stuff: Plot details, [1], [2], [3] (this post)