Title: More Than That (Just One Night sequel)
Pairing: Yongguk/Daehyun
Rating: NC-17
Warning: Sexual content, language, yaoi (boyxboy)
Summary: Daehyun always checks his pants pockets before he puts them in the washer. Usually he only finds a pen or a receipt or maybe some extra change. This time, though, he finds the item that Yongguk had slipped into
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Comments 14
I'm not sure though.
I absolutely love BangDae. I wish they were more popular orz.
So in B.A.P, I ship Yongguk with everyone. LOL.
THIS WAS BEAUTIFUL and why can't I be Daehyun ; -;
-shot for bad joke-
Because Daehyun is a gorgeous, Korean, blond/brunet male in a group of five other gorgeous men-- in which one of them I would like to touch everywhere-- that all somewhat resemble bunnies.
And no one can be Daehyun. =u=
I'm just kidding. Thank you for reading and commenting. ^^
you made them perfect and aggressive-Yongguk, begging-Dae sex is just auhidljka;sdfaiof;la. they're so perfect together i don't even...
the writing was definitely better in the sequel. there were definite improvements! you're hitting all the right keys so keep going in the same direction~ I would love to see this pairing again. Make it a trilogy? LOL
Thankyou for sharing your writing!
I'm glad you liked it, and shared my thoughts on the sequel being better.
I'm not sure about a trilogy, but there was one person that asked if I could do BangDae from the No Mercy era... So I might do an angsty oneshot on them orz because smut is not my forte.
Thanks for reading. I appreciate it.^^
This was so damn good.
I mean... SO. DAMN. GOOD.
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