you wanted more scenes in which death is narrowly averted and everyone dances naked in the rain

Jun 21, 2010 00:47

I finished the papers that are due tomorrow for the class I took and now celebratory gin and tonics, yay ( Read more... )

tv is for watching

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Comments 28

sirritwist June 21 2010, 04:49:41 UTC
those biscuits look delicious! and switzerland omg, that's so exciting!


disarm_d June 21 2010, 04:51:08 UTC
They were reasonably tasty-- especially the next morning when I warmed up the leftovers. I put in too much milk, /o\ But, Switzerland! \o/


queen_geek June 21 2010, 05:49:04 UTC
OH MAN I AM GOING TO MISS YOU. But, Switzerland! Chocolate! Not being in town for the riots G20! All of these things are good. Also good: Finishing your papers! I knew you could do it, et cetera et cetera. *\o/*


disarm_d June 21 2010, 05:52:12 UTC
I'll come back, and then I'll MOVE, and then we can have awesome hangouts in my new place and it'll be great. Are we still on for dinner tomorrow? V can't make it, but I hand in my stuff at 4 and then am freeeeee.


leatherteal June 21 2010, 05:49:08 UTC
Those biscuits look ridiculously good *__*

LOL, why is becoming nocturnal the immediate reaction to being alone/not having things to do in the morning? Being awake at night is not that great. And yet.

I never got into Grey's on account of how people seem to just complain about it constantly! My rooommate in Quebec was pretty into it, but she'll watch anything with lesbians. I saw the episode where they discover the dermatology residents and it was really lolzy, though, and Sandra Oh is kind of the best. I MUST SAY.


disarm_d June 21 2010, 05:55:36 UTC
I bought a 250 ml thing of milk (I don't drink milk) so that I could make the biscuits, and I think I was only supposed to use half of it, but I tried to pour in the whole thing because I knew I'd just have to throw away the rest. But then it was clearly too much milk, so I had to try to pour it out again. They turned out alright, though!

I have no idea-- perhaps humans aren't actually meant to be awake when the sun is up after all! But, yeah, being awake isn't that great (unless you've got something fun to do), but if you don't have to wake up in the morning, it's really hard to force yourself to sleep.

People definitely do complain about it. *I* have complained about it. And yet I am so full of love for the show right now. I have no idea! I just watched the dermatology one tonight, and OMG LOLING FOREVER! Super lolzy, and i LOVE it. Sandra Oh = *________*


octette June 21 2010, 06:14:48 UTC
the thing about spices is that you'd think that you want a whole lot! but it is a lie. you rarely want more than about a teaspoon. (nutmeg you want to use really sparingly -- like, half a tsp. also, it apparently can cause hallucinations if you eat too much of it in one sitting! amazing.) also, you never want to put spices on top of something that will be baked (like a custard or pudding), because the spice will burn.

i hope you have fun in switzerland!! when you get back, we will talk about recipes i think you might enjoy eating that are fairly easy to make. ♥


disarm_d June 21 2010, 06:20:50 UTC
Oh man, how hilariously awful would it have been if I'd ended up with hallucinations after attempting bread pudding? /o\ I like tons of cinnamon when making cinnamon toast, but that doesn't go in the oven, and I misjudged. I look forward to talking recipes when I get back! I'm still learning (obviously), but I like cooking, :)

YAY! Hopefully it's a good time!


octette June 21 2010, 06:22:29 UTC
you know what? you could make bread and butter pudding with cinnamon toast instead of regular bread! that way you get all the cinnamon you want, but it won't burn when you bake it. :)


disarm_d June 21 2010, 06:24:38 UTC
The way I make cinnamon toast is to put a buttload of brown sugar and cinnamon on top of normal toast, so sadly it would not work for me. I'd hoped to find some cinnamon bread at the grocery store, but (as usual) it wasn't there. SIGH


octette June 21 2010, 06:17:58 UTC
ps, also i LOVED callie and sloan!!! and i never understood callie and george, b/c they had zero chemistry. that character didn't have chemistry with ANYONE.

my favorite scene of GA remains when cristina tells meredith that meredith is her PERSON. HER PERSON. jfc. ♥__♥


disarm_d June 21 2010, 06:23:20 UTC
They're just so great together. It's weird because I love them as friends, and I love them having sex, but I never wish that they were together together. I'm perfectly satisfied with their relationship. Fuckbuddies doesn't usually work for me, but for them I LOVE IT.

George had the most chemistry with children. Not in a creep pedo way, but he interacted best with kids. Well, and with Berk. He was Berk's guy! Berk was a shithead, but I did enjoy the stuff with him and George. Cristina's jealousy was amazing.

Which leads to-- Cristina! MY FAVORITE FOREVER! I love that Meridith gives her the sparkle pager because Cristina's in the dark place, and that's all she can think to do. They're bff soulmates.


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