Thursday's Pornothon Prompts

Aug 16, 2007 01:55


Please to be having Thursday's Prompts )


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Comments 65

Prompt #6 1/2 siren_mage August 16 2007, 09:51:07 UTC
Ryan feels a little desperate when he kisses Frank, a little like he needs something tangible and whole to remind him that not everything in life is fractured, not everything has to be a threat. He's gone the whole night still sick with fear and no amount of touching Brendon has helped because the bruises is still there over Brendon's eye, hard to hide and even harder to run away from ( ... )


Re: Prompt #6 2/2 siren_mage August 16 2007, 09:51:23 UTC
Ryan reaches out and grasps the base of Frank's cock, holding it steady while he takes the head in his mouth and sucks experimentally. This isn't his first blowjob but it's close enough; he mostly does what he likes having done to himself, minding his teeth, sliding down and sucking back up. Ryan takes more in on ever downward slip of his mouth, and he can feel Frank's hands in his hair, tugging lightly but mostly just holding ( ... )


Re: Prompt #6 2/2 prettykitty_aya August 16 2007, 15:50:02 UTC
um. NNNNNNNNGH. that's about as coherent as i'm gonna get right now.



Re: Prompt #6 2/2 disarm_d August 17 2007, 07:33:23 UTC
This was awesome! Ryan Ross! I love the way you give us the setting and time so that we can understand the edge to Ryan's desperation. And Frankie! So tiny, and yet so awesome.

Thanks so much for writing this! <3


Prompt #6 anonymous August 16 2007, 10:55:55 UTC
The kid honestly didn’t look like he belonged in some dingy, off-the-Strip club. He wore too-tight girl jeans, a studded belt and faded out shirt with the name of Frank’s band splashed across the chest, and his face was entirely too fucking young ( ... )


Prompt #6 - continued anonymous August 16 2007, 10:57:55 UTC
Not even two minutes later, Frank found himself shoved against the wall backstage, the harsh thump thump of a bass guitar thrumming against his back and the boy’s mouth less than an inch from his ( ... )


Prompt #6 - continued anonymous August 16 2007, 10:58:45 UTC
“Fuck!!” Frank jerked violently, his cock sliding deep into the kid’s throat. He saw his eyes bulge and turn wet, watched his face flush. And fucking god, that harsh choking sound shouldn’t have been so hot. He tightened the grip he had on the kid’s hair pulling him off enough to catch his breath ( ... )


Re: Prompt #6 fuckingtaemin August 16 2007, 15:12:28 UTC
Here is the cleaned up version on my writing journal.
( Choke: Frank/Ryan)


#4 (please be gentle!) coq_au_lait August 16 2007, 18:13:57 UTC
“Shh, it’s okay.” Even though Gerard isn’t saying anything, the look is clear in his eyes: trepidation, fear, want, and all Mikey wants to do is reassure him. Make him know that he’s safe with his brother, as he wraps a length of rope around his wrists once, twice, thrice, tying them up between his shoulderblades, hands clasped together in prayer.

Bless me, for I have sinned. I have had covetous thoughts. I have held desires for another man. I am in love with my brother.Watching Gerard’s skin bloom from Vendella to Celestial, pressing up behind him to kiss fingertips that twitch against his lips, and only when they’re thorn-pricked-red does Mikey stand, resting his hands on Gerard’s shoulders, pressing the hard arch of himself against those fingers, red like blood, like roses. Like desire. And says softly to the back of his brother’s head, hair like night, shattered, “Now you know you’re mine. Now you know what I can do ( ... )


Re: #4 (please be gentle!) disarm_d August 17 2007, 07:35:49 UTC
Oh wow! You did a lot here with very few words. I liked the way you use the religious tones, and I think I especially liked the last paragraph.

Well done! Thank you for tackling that prompt; I'm sure who ever requested it is going to be thrilled. :)


Prompt #3 - Part 1 - Also known as "Mandi can't write a healthy threesome" adellyna August 16 2007, 21:50:48 UTC
Ryan gets like this sometimes, when the days are too long and the shows are too hard and the reporters ask too many pushy questions and the fans come at them like a wall of hands. Maybe a hundred kids but easily a thousand grabby hands, reaching for clothes or shoving their own CD at them. Spencer is so sick of the cover art. The next time they put out a CD, Spencer swears, it’s going to be blank. White cover with black font that reads Panic! at the Disco, and then whatever the title is. At the moment, he’s leaning toward Fuck, I’m TiredThey spend easily an hour and a half standing outside signing shit. Spencer would have taken Ryan and made a run for it, but it’s a hotel night and they have to van over and if they went and sat in the van for the last half of it while Jon and Brendon laughed with fans and signed things, they’d never hear the end of it. Ryan would get a call from Pete, laughing about how they made some fansite for being assholes. Again. And there’d just be people shouting their name from beyond the barricades anyway. ( ... )


Prompt #3 - Part 2 - Also known as "Mandi can't write a healthy threesome" adellyna August 16 2007, 21:51:45 UTC
Ryan bites at his lip and Spencer lets his mouth fall open, tries to lean into Ryan to kiss him back. He’s still tangled though, his arms at a weird angle, his balance off, trying not to let his full weight and Ryan’s crush Jon, so it’s sloppy and he has no recourse when Ryan’s mouth shifts and goes to his neck, wet, teeth scraping. Spencer says, “Jon,” and Jon’s hands slide around his waist, push up his t-shirt and palm his stomach. He nuzzles his face into Spencer’s back and bites his shoulder, high on the slope where it’s more muscle than anything.

Spencer says, “Nngh,” and lets his head fall back on Jon’s shoulder. He tries to get his wrists somewhere where he can snag his hoodie and tug it off, get his hands free, but they’re on either side of Jon’s hips and he can’t, just can’t reach. He’s a conduit between them anyway. Jon shoves his hands up, high, palms rough and callused against Spencer’s skin. His shirt puddles above them and his chest is bare. Ryan bends and bites his way down to Spencer’s nipples, sucks roughly; Jon ( ... )


Prompt #3 - Part 3 - Also known as "Mandi can't write a healthy threesome" adellyna August 16 2007, 21:52:42 UTC
It passes quickly. Too quickly, Spencer wants to hold on to it, he wants to blame Ryan for stealing Jon. It’s easier, hurts less than realizing he handed Jon over, loaned him out like a hat and then, just. Couldn’t. Take him back.

But Ryan is open eyed again, leaning down to kiss Spencer, saying “Please, please,” into his mouth. Please into his mouth and please with his fingers on Spencer’s jeans and no. “No,” Spencer says. He tugs Ryan’s hands away from his pants and braces them up by his head, either side, pulling Ryan down for one last kiss.

Ryan won’t let anyone but Spencer fuck him. Spencer won’t let anyone but Jon fuck him. Brendon won’t fuck anything without tits. Jon, Jon insists, is just fucked.

“Stay,” Ryan pleads, “stayHe looks over Ryan’s head to Jon, whose fingers are sliding over Ryan’s ribs in smooth, tidal sweeps, closer and closer to his cock. He looks miserable ( ... )


Re: Prompt #3 - Part 3 - Also known as "Mandi can't write a healthy threesome" flimsy August 16 2007, 23:15:28 UTC
I keep re-reading this, and god, seriously, GOOSEBUMPS! I love this dark and twisted tension between them, and Spencer's jealousy makes my heart hurt. He's so - agh, desperate and needy and ashdjka. I love this. Seriously, I do. I like porny fun threesomes, but dark/angsty are my favorite kind.


Prompt #1 (Jon/Spencer) Part 1 flimsy August 16 2007, 22:51:33 UTC
"Hi," Jon slurs and slides into the bean bag next to Spencer. Spence looks up from his diet coke and sinks into his cushion a little farther. It's not that he minds Jon - Jon is really nice, and may or may not be more insightful than you'd assume at first - but Spencer is not a fan of drunk people (in general) and in the forty-eight hours they've been in England this is the second let's-all-get-drunk-in-some-random-guy's-basement party ( ... )


Prompt #1 (Jon/Spencer) Part 2 flimsy August 16 2007, 22:52:47 UTC
Upon his approach he notices that there's a Jon Walker in his bean bag. He's holding a bottle of Johnnie Walker now, and seems quite pleased with his swag ( ... )


Prompt #1 (Jon/Spencer) Part 3 flimsy August 16 2007, 22:53:57 UTC
Jon’s hand slips up and curls around his belly again, his other hand squeezing Spencer’s ass lightly. Spencer makes a whimpering sound he doesn’t actually want to make, but god, Jon is kind of good at this. Spence wonders for a moment if alcohol is like, contagious, and then Jon’s hand slides from his tummy lower again, cupping Spencer’s half-hard cock through his jeans ( ... )


Re: Prompt #1 (Jon/Spencer) Part 3 adellyna August 16 2007, 22:56:55 UTC


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