Title: The Finish Line
Series: Heroes
Rating: R for brief sexytimes. Spoilers for what we all know happened at the end of volume 3.
Prompt:"There are two tragedies in life. One is not to get your heart's desire. The other is to get it." -Oscar Wilde
Summary: Let's back up and figure this out from the beginning, shall we?
A/N: Not my best work. I should
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Comments 16
You had some wonderefully poetic lines in here but I think the one that stood out to me the most was this:
But it was too late for thoughts like that now. Spiders have to eat.
I don't know why, but that just says volumes to me about how Sylar functions.
And finally, win for using Lua lyrics for your cut text. That song does make me think of them for some reason, so I'm glad it's not just me.
I agree, I think his need for power over everything else is really sad and tragic. He's tried to be good, have friends, family, love...but the hunger always wins out.
Re: the song, I know right? I was listening to Dark Was The Night the other night and heard it again and was like "this is such a syelle kinda song." I changed the lyrics a little but the spirit is still there!
So Beautiful & Heartbreaking ;_;
You did a great job , this is really Amazing <3
He clenched his fist, the blue faded, and that was it; nothing more to tell."
Those lines really rocked my world. I think they capture my thoughts on him perfectly. Its tragic really, because ultimately what does matter, what does it amount to? he has no purpose.
great story.
Thanks for reading <3 Glad you liked it.
Spiders have to eat, indeed.
The utter lonliness he feels afterward is perfect.
Thanks so much for reading :D
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