Hey guys.
Plot's moving fast, and your mods have plans.
The first stage is
here. Those who assemble are going to be given instructions soon to round up the staff and students so a head count can be taken. We encourage you to continue replying to this.
Characters, please feel free to argue about this, but there are certain parts with which you WILL need to comply.
#1. All students have very temporarily been gotten to Hoover and counted. Every student present.
...Then the teachers have left to Joe West for a staff meeting. Feel free not to have stayed put like they said. I just want the teachers to have been able to say that they knew all the students were accounted for.
#2. Teachers, there will be a post for the Joe West meeting. If you don't post, your character will be assumed to be there, so the teachers can know all their number are accounted for.
(Teachers, students-- do not tempt your staff/fellow staff members to have to drag you to where they've asked you to go. There are several who would be more than willing to do so.)
A plan will be put forward to explore (in pairs or more) the underground tunnels the Mouse has given maps to. I will update this post with what they find there once it's needed.
(Yes, Helga is going to be barking orders. But, seriously, characters don't have to listen to her. She's just taking command because... she's Helga. And when no one else is doing so [sometimes even when someone else is doing so] she starts giving orders.)