RIGHT ON TIME ANYWAY. Time for the all dreaded ACTIVITY CHECK.
Activity Check Rules:
1. One post in the main comm a month(this can be substituted for a LOG post). (that means TWO for AC check)
2. At least three threads where your character makes more then 5 comments outside of their own entry.
3. If you are on Hiatus you must make it
4. If you were warned previously and are warned another time, your character will be dropped, with review.
5. If you want to re-app a dropped character you will have to fill out any newly added sections of the application, rewrite your two samples, and fill out a penalty section greatest desire.
6. If you re-app, and then end up on the warning list again, you will be dropped, no questions asked.
7. If you don't think you can make Activity Check guidelines by Dec. 15th, post with the activity you have and we won't drop you, however you will get a warning on your character
POST BELOW with your characters names and links to their LATEST action/voice/video logs in
disney_academy (An entry in
dis_acdmy_log is also acceptable) and three latest threads outside of their own logs.
You have until the 15th of December to fulfill these requirements.
If you do not reply or post to the hiatus page by December 15th, your character will be DROPPED.
Characters who were accepted on or after November 16th are EXEMPT