Fireflie - A Once Upon A Time Fanfiction

Mar 06, 2012 19:12

Title: Fireflies
Author: DirtyMindedHo
Rating: G
Pairing: Grumpy/Nova
Summary:The fireflies were all that connected them now.

The fireflies were all that connected them now. )

character: nova/astrid, fandom: once upon a time, fanfiction, romance, character: grumpy/leroy, het

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Comments 4

lillian_raven March 24 2012, 00:02:22 UTC
Short but still beautiful. A great look into this heartbreaking relationship. You catched these minor characters really good and chose a good scene to portray their (non)-relationship post-"Dreamy." :)

Love it!


lillian_raven March 24 2012, 00:52:47 UTC
Ah I totally forget to ask. Would you give me your permission to translate this fic and "Am I Wicked?" into German?


dirtymindedho March 24 2012, 01:13:43 UTC
Thank you for your lovely comments! It's always nice to know people read and like my fics.
Also, yes you have my permission to translate "Am I Wicked?" and "Fireflies" into German. Could I possibly have a copy of them once they've been translated?


lillian_raven March 24 2012, 01:17:36 UTC
Sure! I hope I have time to translate them this WE and then I will send you the links. :D

Thank you for your permission.


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