MacGyver: Caring

Jan 26, 2010 13:37

Fandom: MacGyver
Title: Caring
Summary: During and after the episode ‘GX-1.’ She cares for him, and he cares for her. Possibly more than either of them will admit.
Timeframe: Season Three, episode ‘GX-1.’
Characters/Pairing: Mac/Nikki
Genre: Drama, UST
Rating: G


“MacGyver. Don’t blow yourself up.”

She cared about him. That much she knew, as badly as she didn’t want to admit it. When MacGyver had gone to set the explosives for the plane, her call to him had come out glib, but she’d meant it. Nikki had developed a bond with MacGyver, despite all their differences and petty arguments.

After the explosion, when she didn’t see him, Nikki had been beside herself. Starkoss, the psychic, had pulled her away as she’d stared hopelessly where he’d once been. When MacGyver had met her and Starkoss in that old shack, hours later, she’d had to suppress her relief at seeing him alive. He was filthy, and a little rundown, but alive. She’d wanted to run to him, hold him, and touch him, to feel that he was alive. But she couldn’t.

Nikki forced herself to focus as MacGyver gave her instructions. She had to push emotion aside. They were going to complete this mission and get out of East Germany alive.


“You will come to love her.”

Starkoss’ words in their makeshift hot air balloon reverberated in his head when Nikki had finally finished ranting at him for making her jump, and they watched Starkoss disappear into the forest.

At the time, Mac had firmly muttered, “No, no, no,” to Starkoss’ words, but as he looked at Nikki, just glad to see that she was okay, Mac felt an inkling that the so-called psychic was right. He’d been right about him and the guilt he felt about not making it to his mother’s funeral, after all.

By the time he realized Nikki had come out of her silent awe and was ranting at him again, a big smile had pulled at MacGyver’s lips.

“Are you smiling? Don’t you even, MacGyver!” Nikki cried, outraged.

He couldn’t help it. Grabbing her face between his hands, Mac leaned down and kissed her firmly. That certainly shut her up.

-The End-

genre: ust, characters: mac, type: fanfic, genre: drama, fandom: macgyver, type: ficlet, rating: g, pairing: mac/nikki, characters: nikki, genre: episode tag

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