MacGyver: To The Rescue

Apr 04, 2010 08:40

Fandom: MacGyver
Title: To The Rescue
Summary: It’s Nikki to the rescue.
Characters/Pairing: Mac/Nikki
Genre: Drabble
Word Count: 174
Rating: G.

To The Rescue

She fakes a smile and nods politely to the clean cut gentleman trying to make conversation with her, but her attentions are elsewhere. She’s only thinking about deep-brown eyes, a sincere, crooked grin, and shaggy, sandy-colored hair.

He’s across the room, making small talk with a redhead in an unflattering halter top, a skirt that’s way too short, and high heels. He looks uncomfortable, and Nikki can’t help but notice that he keeps glancing her way. Rescue, perhaps?

She sidles up next to him, sliding a hand up his lower back and leaning against him possessively. “Let’s get out of here, darling. It’s getting awfully stuffy.” Her prim-and-proper snob voice.

His eyebrows raise momentarily, then he nods, playing along and following her lead. “Yeah, I’m a little tired anyway.” Ever the gentleman, he smiles apologetically at the redhead before she takes the hint and gets lost.

Nikki’s hand is still on his back, and she feels his sigh of relief.

“Thanks for the rescue, Nikki.”

“Don’t worry about it, MacGyver. You’ll owe me.”


rating: g, pairing: mac/nikki, characters: nikki, characters: mac, type: fanfic, fandom: macgyver, type: drabble

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