OMG cuteness!

May 26, 2009 22:31

Once or twice a year I fall in love with certain commercials (usually during Christmas) and this one's got me all wibbly/gooshy whenever it's on television. I've provided my shoddy translations under the cut but even without it you'll know what it's about!

image Click to view

Translation aqui )

links, ang mahal kong pilipinas, gooshy

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Comments 4

frogglesthefrog May 26 2009, 15:09:03 UTC
Awww bless the wee boy!!! That's very cute (also very weird that we literally both just posted about adverts o.O :P)


dirgni19 May 27 2009, 12:46:39 UTC
HAHAH omg we did didn't we! Great minds and all that..? :p


gryffinclaw May 26 2009, 15:46:04 UTC
Awww he is so cute when he is crying!


dirgni19 May 27 2009, 12:47:10 UTC
I just want to reach in there and snuggle him, too cute! <3


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