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Comments 9

ballischiq January 27 2009, 17:03:54 UTC

... )


dirgni19 January 28 2009, 07:51:16 UTC
I know right, he's like "Oh shit Marat's gonna kill me after this." :))

That's how they look when we're not around! What would they do without us?

Marat says thank you, and he asks what are you wearing?


delorentoes January 27 2009, 19:47:25 UTC
I hope you know that because of you THIS man has infiltrated my dreams - he was there with me, Johnny Depp and vanessa Paridis on the way to my granny's!

Happy Birthday Marat!


dirgni19 January 28 2009, 07:51:58 UTC
LOL that is brilliant!! Johnny Depp and Marat in one dream? Now why can't I have dreams like that?!? :p


allure_addicted January 27 2009, 20:56:55 UTC
Gosh, i had no idea of how much love you used to have for Marat. I love this post, it's imbued with love. It's so imbued that your love for him it's blowing gently in my room, lol. I can feel it and it's ... awww *_*
Happy Birthday Marat ♥
I'm not a Safinette, but i'll miss him because he remembers me of many years ago, when i started falling in love with this amazing sport and he was one of its biggest heroes at the time (well for me he still is).

C'mon don't be sad =) You don't have to think to "when it's November or December", just relax and enjoy every single minute of him.
I tell you it because it's the same thing i'm doin with Roger, it's the only way i found to survive his age. ♥

Hugs <3


dirgni19 January 28 2009, 14:47:27 UTC
You're completely right, we'll just have to enjoy every minute as they come, no? That's something he would say, actually! :D

Your icon is so adorable!! ♥


allure_addicted January 29 2009, 20:53:38 UTC
Yes, he would say it !!! ;D
Awww thanks, i love my icon too. But i love Rafa more, lol.



morebliss January 28 2009, 02:22:08 UTC
"My friend, there is nothing so sexy as a woman who is angry. Perhaps she is even throwing things."

Sweetie, you're made for each other! We can double-date when me and Dinara get together. :)

... )


dirgni19 January 28 2009, 07:53:56 UTC
When I first read that I laughed until I cried because THAT IS SO ME. Maratsky, if you ever need an angry lady just holler in my general direction, mmkay?

Dinara is lovely, I approve of this double-dating business! Thanks for the picture!! ♥


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