
Oct 22, 2008 12:13

I'm supposed to be getting ready for class but I got sidetracked, haha ( Read more... )

i covet your hair roger federer, links, the spanish armada is a gay armada, tennis is my boyfriend, nadal: warrior in capris

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Comments 9

morebliss October 22 2008, 04:44:47 UTC
*guh* Oh, my. Look at him!! I want to curl up with him and watch him sleep and play with his hair and then just die happy 'cause of the cuteness. AND YOUR ICON!!! Oh, oh, oh! Look at his stupidly beautiful face!!


dirgni19 October 22 2008, 04:50:56 UTC
I know right?!?!? I just want to snuggle up to him and squeeze the life out of him, so gorgeous!!! I had to make the icon as soon as I got the screencap, he's so cuddly!!! Roger gets to see this in the morning, lucky boy!!!!


morebliss October 22 2008, 04:55:27 UTC
How those guys ever drag themselves out of bed is beyond me. It really speaks highly of their competitiveness and sportivity.


niennah October 22 2008, 07:45:27 UTC
Roger gets to see this in the morning, lucky boy!!!!

SO, SO LUCKY. He is so adorable! ♥♥ And he twitches in his sleep, little thing. I didn't think I'd ever know that about Rafa Nadal. Figures that he can't even lie still when he's napping. :D


ballischiq October 22 2008, 14:08:15 UTC
AWW LIDDLE BABY WAFAAAAAAA :)) I wanna give him a blanky, a bottle of milk and put powder in his back! CUUUUUUUUUTTTTTTTTTTTTEEEEEE.


dirgni19 October 22 2008, 14:20:03 UTC
My little Rafa, my little China doll :))

Watch the video, it has your Fernando Verdasco laughing like a girl HAHAH!


ballischiq October 22 2008, 15:05:19 UTC
Oh is that my Spanish crush or my French crush? :)) Gosh I don't even know their names wahahahaha. YOUR UNIVERSEEEE. Wahaha.


dirgni19 October 22 2008, 15:12:39 UTC
Your Spanish crush! Galit ako kay Gilles Simon right now :))

YOUR UNIVERSE THE KING! What. His other song's good too, Helpless!


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