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Jul 06, 2008 11:24

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doctor who

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Comments 5

persiflage_1 July 6 2008, 08:15:25 UTC
That has to be the biggest WTF? OMG NOES! finale EVER!


dirgni19 July 6 2008, 17:05:34 UTC
OMG YES. I don't know whether to laugh or cry 'coz it was just full of fuckery on an epic scale.

The only thing I got from it was Martha/Jack scenes with a side of Mickey, I love it!


persiflage_1 July 6 2008, 17:54:58 UTC
I confess I loved Jack and Martha walking off hand-in-hand!


dirgni19 July 6 2008, 17:59:53 UTC
They looked so cute when they did that! I really need an icon of that asap!

I'm feeling quite bad because I don't exactly know if I still ship Ten/Martha, why should she hang around with Senor Emo when Captain Cheesecake is waiting around the corner and completely adores her? ♥


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