Вот подборка исследований генофонда азербайджанцев. Ничего неожиданного нет. Как говорят бакинцы (в смысле коренные жители Апшеронского полуострова) : "Bizim əslimiz İrandandır"- "Мы происходим из Ирана".
http://www.khazaria.com/genetics/azeris.html Отрывки:
Мы во-первых кавказцы (но кто именно из стольких кавказских народов?), во-вторых персы, в-третьих семиты, в-четвертых европейцы, в-пятых туркмены.
"Here's a quick summary of the most common Azeri haplogroups. In terms of Y-DNA (paternal genetics), haplogroup J2 is the most prevalent with about 20 percent of Azeri men having it, followed by haplogroup G at a frequency of 18 percent. Others found in Azeri men are T (11%), R1b (11%), R1a (7%), E (6%), I (3%), and some others (15%). Within these haplogroups, some Azeri men specifically have the haplogroups T1, E1b1b1c1 (this one originated in Anatolia), G2a3b1, and R1b1a2.
Azeri people who live in Iran were found to possess DNA types also found among Iranian peoples (especially the Iranians of Iran) and other peoples of the Caucasus. Their most common mtDNA haplogroups are H (25.57%) and U (20.3%), followed by T (11.28%), J (11.28%), and HV (9.77%).
Azeris are a mixture of Caucasians, Iranians, Near Easterners, Europeans, and Turkmens, in that order of importance. "
Между нами и армянами есть генетическое сходство или точнее взаимное влияние.
A previous analysis of mtDNA variation in the Caucasus found that Indo-European-speaking Armenians and Turkic-speaking Azerbaijanians were more closely related genetically to other Caucasus populations (who speak Caucasian languages) than to other Indo-European or Turkic groups, respectively. Armenian and Azerbaijanian therefore represent language replacements, possibly via elite dominance involving primarily male migrants, in which case genetic relationships of Armenians and Azerbaijanians based on the Y-chromosome should more closely reflect their linguistic relationships
В нас много татских и талышских генов.
The data on the genetic studies of Iranian-speaking populations from Azerbaijan (Talyshs and Tats) are presented. In these populations gene frequency distributions for the immunological (AB0, MN, Rhesus-D, -C, -E, P, Lewis, and Kell-Chellano) and biochemical (HP, GC, Cprime3, TF, 6PGD, GLO1, ESD, ACP1, and PGM1) gene markers were determined. Comparison of the genetic structure of the populations examined with the other Iranian-speaking populations (Persians and Kurds from Iran, Ossetins, and Tajiks) and Azerbaijanis showed that Iranian-speaking populations from Azerbaijan were more close to Azerbaijanis, than to Iranian-speaking populations inhabiting other world regions."
Research conducted by Maziar Ashrafian Bonab, et al. of the Department of Genetics at University of Cambridge showed that Azeris living in Iran are connected to the Persian (Iranian) people of Iran in terms of their FST (fixation index) value, their MRCA (most recent common ancestor), and their mtDNA genetic types, and that Azeris are distant from Anatolian Turks and European Turks.
В связи с вышеизложенным абзацом вспоминаю как, когда я бываю в Турции турки сначала спрашивают у меня на английском "Are you from Iran?" И после этого, видя как я с досадой и усталостью качаю головой, говорят "Ааа.. Азербайджан!"
Мы можем считать себя потомками древних мидийцев.
The Azari people likely derive from ancient Iranic tribes, such as the Medians in Iranian Azerbaijan. [...] Today, the Azari language is completely replaced by Turkish or Azeri language. The question remains whether this language replacement happened with Turkish people gene flow or it happened simply as a result of acculturation without gene flow."
В нас много курдских генов. Даже больше- можно сказать, что мы почти курды.
No significant difference was observed in HLA class II allele distribution between these populations except for DQB1*0503 which showed a higher frequency in Kurds. Neighbor-joining tree based on Nei's genetic distances and correspondence analysis according to DRB1, DQA1 and DQB1 allele frequencies showed a strong genetic tie between Kurds and Azeris of Iran. The results of amova revealed no significant difference between these populations and other major ethnic groups of Iran. No close genetic relationship was observed between Azeris of Iran and the people of Turkey or Central Asians. According to the current results, present-day Kurds and Azeris of Iran seem to belong to a common genetic pool."
Таким образом весь этот винегрет наций сплотил единый тюркский язык, который и создал азербайджанскую нацию. Так что тюрки явились чем-то вроде цемента, который связал эти кирпичики воедино.