Everything Is Better Somewhere Else (1/1)

Oct 23, 2010 22:11

Title: Everything Is Better Somewhere Else
Fandom: Supernatural
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: ~2100
Characters: Sam and Dean (Gen)
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Spoilers: Through 4.11: "Family Remains"
Summary: Dean hadn't said a word since today's revelation. Post-ep for 4.11: "Family Remains".
Warnings: None.

Everything Is Better Somewhere Else )

meta: fic, length: ficlet, character: dean winchester, fandom: supernatural, theme: recovery, character: sam winchester, theme: family of origin

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Comments 37

jennytork October 23 2010, 22:32:19 UTC
That was AMAZING......


dipenates October 24 2010, 12:04:39 UTC
Thanks so much.


borgmama1of5 October 23 2010, 23:09:12 UTC
Wish this would have been in the show.


dipenates October 24 2010, 12:06:38 UTC

I'm watching SPN way behind everyone else, but I've read a little bit about the disappointment some other fans had with regard to the start of S4, and how the post-hell issues were dealt with. (I've managed to spoil myself as to the broad sweeps of the plot, so I'm guessing this is all happening again with S6.)


shannon_doll October 23 2010, 23:18:50 UTC
that was beautifully well done and so real. thank you


dipenates October 24 2010, 12:06:54 UTC
Thank you v. much.


honeylocusttree October 23 2010, 23:58:42 UTC
This is lovely. Especially with the lunacy of this current season, this is like a balm to my Winchester-loving little soul.


dipenates October 24 2010, 12:07:41 UTC
Thank you!

I'm watching way behind everyone else in fandom, and am currently mid-S5. But I have managed to catch a few spoilers, and, yeah.


lies_unfurl October 24 2010, 01:51:16 UTC
This was wonderful. You wove in the angst and the hurt/comfort perfectly in with the psychology discussion.


dipenates October 24 2010, 12:07:52 UTC
Thank you very much.


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