Title: Being Friends Is Telling Each Other The Truth
Fandom: Brothers & Sisters
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: ~2,000
Characters: Kevin Walker/Scotty Wandell, ensemble
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Spoilers: Through 4.24: "On the Road Again".
Summary: Written for
lgbtfest prompt: Five times Kevin felt like his family discriminated against him .
Warning: Homophobia.
Being Friends is Telling Each Other the Truth )
Comments 14
Kevin is my favourite Walker, and you've completely captured his cynicism and self-doubt, as well as his vulnerability and his inability to stop thinking. Great job.
What I liked most was Tommy´s part
And I love this: But there was something that didn't quite make sense in Nora's account. That felt like the lid of Scotty's blue plastic storage container, the one that never quite fit snugly, but always popped up along one edge.
I don't think this is a story about homophobia or even sub-conscious homophobia that each Walkers have; I think it's just about being human. Everyone have prejudices about everyone else.
I agree that everyone has prejudices, and that this is part of the way that everyone is socialised.
The difference between assuming (for example) that all Republicans will be anti-choice and being prejudiced against gay people is that there are no power differentials in the former example, and there are in the latter. All societies are set up in a way that privileges straight people. Straight people are normalised, and all of the institutions and social norms exist around straightness.
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