Dirty Boy (1/1)

Aug 09, 2009 23:14

Title: Dirty Boy
Rating:  R
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Fandom: BtVS
Characters: Xander and Faith 
Warnings: Rape and child abuse
Summary: Xander feels like he and Faith are on the same page, like they have a connection. Episode tag for 3.05 "Consequences".
Length: ~2100

Dirty Boy )

theme: origins, meta: fic, fandom: btvs, character: xander harris, theme: violence against women, character: faith lehane, length: ficlet, genre: post-ep, genre: angst, theme: family of origin

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Comments 21

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dipenates March 15 2010, 21:51:28 UTC
I totally agree about the glossing over thing. In fact, I think most of the (attempted) rapes in Buffy were dealt with a bit superficially. Giles' 'boys will be boys' response to The Pack was icky, because I think that would have really weighed on Xander's mind, particularly after Faith. Whatever happened to Faith was never addressed, and the swim team member who tried to assault Buffy in her car in Go Fish was just brushed off by the rest of the Scoobies.

It was like things didn't matter if the victims had slayer strength, but it also didn't matter if the perpetrator had slayer strength.

Thanks for the lovely comment.


mulder200 March 15 2010, 21:27:28 UTC
OMG! This was so good and yet so brutal!

I always thought that Xander sees and knows more than he lets on and this fic shows that. From Xander's inner musing concerning Buffy, Willow and Giles to his shock and horror to Faith's attempted rape/killing of him.

Your heart can't help but break for him and his suffering in silence.


dipenates March 15 2010, 21:52:41 UTC
Thanks for the great comment. My heart does indeed break for Xander!


You've been Nominated at The Absence of Light Awards! snowpuppies March 16 2010, 00:23:30 UTC
This message is to inform you that you've been nominated at absence_oflight.

All nominations MUST be accepted by March 21. To do so, please respond to this comment. You only have to respond once per round, (in the event that you receive this message more than once for multiple nominations). We ask you to post a link back to us, however this is not required to win.

Your nominations:

http://dipenates.livejournal.com/11341.html">Dirty Boy by (R; Xander/Faith)
Dirty Boy by dipenates (R; Xander/Faith)

Category: Best Dub- or Non-Con

And if you want to say thanks, why not spread the love and nominate someone else?


Re: You've been Nominated at The Absence of Light Awards! dipenates March 16 2010, 08:00:13 UTC
I would love to accept this nomination. Thanks!


brunettepet April 26 2010, 16:49:51 UTC
This is an powerful, dark snap shot of Xander's head space during this episode. You captured the emotional devastation of that almost rape and murder beautifully and this rings absolutely true for canon Xander.

This was recced at fantas_magoria, and I'm delighted to have read it.


dipenates May 5 2010, 14:28:28 UTC
Thanks so much, brunettepet. This is a lovely comment. (And thanks for letting me know about the rec. I've been so busy recently that I'm not keeping up at all with LJ things, so I might have missed it otherwise.)


sparrow2000 April 26 2010, 23:38:36 UTC
I also came to this from the rec on fantas_magoria. Beautifully bleak and intense. I especially love the last line!


dipenates May 5 2010, 14:29:22 UTC
Thanks so much for the nice comment sparrow2000, and for letting me know where it was recced.


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