3000 Miles (1/1)

Jul 27, 2009 21:13

Title: 3000 Miles
Rating:  NC17
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Fandom: West Wing
Characters:  Josh/Sam, Josh & Sam, CJ, Toby
Length: ~4,800
Spoilers: Through 5.17 - The Supremes
Icon: by Read more... )

meta: fic, character: cj cregg, character: sam seaborn, character: toby ziegler, pairing: josh lyman/sam seaborn, theme: longing, length: ficlet, theme: lgbt, genre: angst, character: josh lyman, fandom: west wing

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Comments 9

sinkwriter July 27 2009, 22:19:39 UTC
Came over from your post on west_wing_fans.

I just finished reading this and now I'm so depressed...


This is very well-written, and has great dialogue that reminded me very well of all these characters. It made me very sad for Sam and very frustrated and sad for Josh, for his inability to let go and admit things about himself. I kept waiting for him to figure it out, and stop the behavior, and turn to Sam, and it just never happened. Your story creates an ache.



dipenates July 31 2009, 16:55:26 UTC
Thanks for your really lovely comment. I felt that in the Season 7 scenes, with Josh and Sam, that Sam was barely containing his irritation with Josh and I thought this explained why.

Thanks for taking the time to comment, and I'm sorry it took so long to reply.


skywaterblue July 28 2009, 17:48:34 UTC
Aah, this was very nice. Very the West Wing, and you can't go wrong with setting your scene around the Supremes, because it's a great episode.

It has a tortured Washingtonian quality that rings true to life.


dipenates July 31 2009, 16:59:42 UTC
Thanks very much for your very nice comment!

The Supremes is a great episode, isn't it? It was a shame that Glenn Close didn't come back for Season 7, because I thought they could have had a nice moment between her and President Bartlet at the Inauguration.

Thanks again for taking the time to comment and sorry it took so long to reply.


You Have Been Nominated at Absence of Light velvetwhip August 3 2009, 00:41:01 UTC
This message is to inform you that you've been nominated at absence_oflight.

All nominations MUST be accepted. To do so, please respond to this comment. You only have to respond once per round, (in the event that you receive this message more than once for multiple nominations). We ask you to post a link back to us, however this is not required to win.

Your nominations: Five Times People Noticed Xander's Bruises didn't all come from Patrol

Category: Best Angst Gen

And if you want to say thanks, why not spread the love and nominate someone else?


Re: You Have Been Nominated at Absence of Light dipenates August 3 2009, 17:16:25 UTC
I am very pleased to be nominated and delighted to accept.



Re: You Have Been Nominated at Absence of Light velvetwhip August 3 2009, 19:17:38 UTC
We are delighted to have you among our nominees.


oxoniensis August 18 2009, 20:16:20 UTC
This was wonderful - it felt so true to the show, in the flow and urgency of it all, and the dialogue. And Josh and Sam's relationship felt so very believable too, if heartbreakingly sad.


dipenates August 19 2009, 22:03:30 UTC
Thanks so much, Oxoniensis. There's pretty much no higher praise than being told your dialogue is even remotely, vaguely, slightly, through-a-glass-darkly reminiscent of Sorkin's, so I'm squeeing over that comment. Thanks!


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