Ficathon time!

Sep 14, 2004 11:07

Introducing... the Official DinoThunder Ficathon! Yay!

So... here we go.

Y'all have until September 30th to sign up. Signing up is easy, all you have to do is post a comment in my LJ here with the following info:

Request 1:
Request 2:
Request 3:
Will Not Write:

A request can include a character or pairing, as well as a story type (example, angst, fluffy... whatever). "Will Not Write" is pretty self-explanatory- it's so I don't end up assigning you to a fic you don't feel you could write. You can only fill in ONE character/pairing/story type here, so choose carefully ;)

Assignments will go out October 1st, and fics will be due October 31st. Of course, all of these dates are somewhat flexible- if y'all think more time is necessary, I can be persuaded to extend the signup/posting deadlines. Let me know.

On the 31st, I'll make a post asking for links to your ficathon fics. Post a comment with your link, and I'll compile a master list of all the fics as well as who wrote for who.

Fics should be at least 1000 words in length. If it's a little under, that's okay. If it's over... well, I *really* doubt anyone will complain about getting a longer fic.

When you post your story, include the following info:
Author's Name:
Written For:
Spoiler Warnings:
Author's Note:

Also, let me know if you'd be willing to be a backup writer. Sometimes, due to that silly Real Life thing, people can't finish their stories. And I don't want anyone's request to go unfulfilled if I can help it. So, if a story can't be finished in time, there's two options: 1) They can let me know that they'll be posting it late or 2) They can let me know the fic won't be finished at all, in which case I will ask a backup writer to fulfill the fic request.

Apologies to anyone who's seen this twice now... actually, wait, no, I'm not sorry, 'cause I'm ALL about the self-promotion, yo. Woo!
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