I want it! So, very cool. I wonder if "Go to Jail, Go directly to Jail" is now Arkham.
Hey, has anyone else noticed that on the Random Place website, they've removed "my boyfriend" from the list of things Emily loves? Huh. I hope she's okay and it wasn't a bad breakup...wait, who am I kidding, my girl's single! Whoot! Man, I wish she'd just
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Comments 13
I'm interested to find you like The Jane Austen Book Club. The title's always interesting, but I've been leery of the gimmicky-ness.
And I held off even looking past the cover of the book for that very reason, but then it was just sitting there in the bargain bin on my last big shopping splurge (also picked up I Capture the Castle and Fortress of Solitude in the bin!) so I grabbed it. But it's true - everyone has their own private Austen and I love the *characters* and how they relate to each of Austens heroine's and Austen, herself, as the book progresses. Also, there are good pop culture references, and I just read the sci-fi convention chapter last night which was fun, but my fave would be about one of the character's mothers obsessively watching The Greatest American Hero because, and I'm fritzing on the actual quote but it's something like, "she was obsessed with the sad, angst-filled lives of superheroes"...then the character marries a man who loved Buffy because, yes, "he was obsessed with the sad, angst-filled lives of superheroes". It made me grin madly.
Ah, if only! The last time I played I had to cart it to Iowa to find a gamemate. *g*
That would be Jonathan Lethem's Fortress of Solitude, I assume? I've tried to read that twice, just 'cause of the name, and never could get into it. For some reason. *shrug*
But dude. I definitely have to check out Jane Austen Book Club now. You sold me. *g*
Yep. I looked at the first couple of pages and put it back on the pile for later because it seemed very heavy and I'm trying to catch up, but I'll give it a go eventually. It was the Michael Chabon rec on the cover that made me pick it up...okay, and the title *g*
And the Austen book is such a fun read. I'd say, don't go in looking for any epiphanies and you might enjoy it. I'm reading the P&P chapter tonight so that'll be the deciding factor in my opinion (although I did love how the group treated the newbie who had never read it before - heh, there are pretty good takes on fandoms as a whole between those lines). I love Grigg for that - if the book club was LJ, he'd be the one who had only just stopped posting anonymous comments and got his own journal and *wanted* to interact with the BNFs but didn't know the catchphrases and anacronyms associated with the fandom.
*ponders* Any nice girls Hayley could hook up with? Irene's a little motherly (to her, more than too old). Beth? Or AU and have her just go off the show when Bec does, maybe.
*ponders again* The replacement redhead looks cute, though.
Hm, Hayley. There doesn't seem to be any other girls around Hayley's age in the Bay any more, so she'd have to go with Beth. *g* But, yeah, I can't wait to see the new Hayley because I do think she's a sweet character and if she didn't have the Bec baggage, I might like her more. HayleyII looks adorable.
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And, sure, rip away!
I'm loving Jack - VERY FINE! I thought I caught a glimmer in Scott's eyes last night *claps* Yay! Jack needs someone sweet & strong...
When Jack got all teary last night, I kinda fell hard. *g* But I think Lucas will be my baby. He's so adorable and he has a journal and I can just see him having some great slash potential with the right boy. The Matilda story looks like it could be cute, though.
Oh yeah! That yanked on my heartstrings & I caved... *sigh* I just wanted to wrap my arms around him & promise it'll be ok.
Lucas is a little cutie isn't he... Pity Henry's no longer in the Bay, guess Matilda will have to do *smile*
If only this new dude hadn't taken over Peter *mutters and curses*
I'm on a Ric/Henry fascination at the moment *g*
And Peter said he'd be back from time to time so don't count him out yet. There's still a storyline with Amanda waiting to happen, I'd imagine.
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