Jan 28, 2018 16:47
1. After your first language, what language would you most like to learn? (Say first language too)
English is my first language. I can speak a tiny bit of French but I'd like to be fluent in it.
2. Does your country have a second language? What is it?
England doesn't but Wales, Scotland, and Ireland do.
3. How many languages can you count to 5 in? To 10 in? List them.
I can count to 5 in German, and 10 in French (and English).
4. What is the first overseas country you visited? And from where? (ie/ timbuctoo to mars)
From England to the US (LA, to be specific).
5. What country do you most want to visit? And why?
Egypt, to see the pyramids, the Sphinx, and the Valley of the Kings.
friday five