To Yousogaisaki, from White Rain ♥

Dec 09, 2007 13:36

Title: Rain
Author: White Rain
Recipient: yousogaisaki
Series: X/1999
Character/Pairing: Subaru, Seishirou/Subaru
Rating: R for sexual situations
Author's Notes/Warnings: This is as close as I can get to fluff for them. I'm also going to be honest and say that I'm not 100% sure on the characterization, even if I don't think either character or ( Read more... )

series: tokyo babylon, series: x, author: a_white_rain, round one

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Comments 6

aishuu December 9 2007, 18:46:29 UTC
Just wanted to say I really love this - you captured a really melancholy atmosphere that suits the two in their quieter moments. Your Subaru is so trapped, but not upset about it; and Seishirou is possessive and wonderful. <3


a_white_rain December 9 2007, 22:34:08 UTC
Thanks. I wasn't exactly sure if it fit or if it was any good so I'm glad what I was trying to capture, the atmosphere, came across.


iambickilometer December 10 2007, 22:39:25 UTC
I think that this was the first Seishirou/Subaru fic I've ever read. It was amazing and very in-character as far as I could tell (though I haven't read TB or X since last summer) and so heartwrenching to read. But beautiful, and I love how Subaru isn't trying to resist.


a_white_rain December 12 2007, 01:28:24 UTC
Thank you. ♥


iambickilometer December 12 2007, 02:53:57 UTC
You're quite welcome. :)


identityprop June 21 2010, 21:48:51 UTC
This was so good!


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