To Cruzle, From Angelcry ♥

Nov 26, 2007 12:58

Title: The power of persuasion
Author: angelcry morgif_kun
Recipient: cruzle
Series: Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle (Horitsuba)
Characters/Pairing: Kurogane/Fai
Rating: PG
Author Notes/Warnings: Really-out-of-season fluff! Beware of pink overload to cover the lack of a background ( Read more... )

series: horitsuba gakuen, artist: morgif_kun, round one

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Comments 29

cruzle November 27 2007, 06:53:21 UTC
That. Is. SO. SEXY. I love it. Oh my God. I love you. So much. I love it. I love it, and so does my "Fai"!!!!!!!

I MUST... GIFT YOU BACK. I am sending out Christmas cards to anyone who wants them - if you go to my journal and check out my posts, there's one titled "Christmas Cards"... put your address under a [screened] comment there and I can send you a personalized/special-for-you Christmas card!!! Or, err, I could just slip into your profile and awkwardly investigate your interests and gift you mail-free that way?! Ahaha! I'm just so happy! I wanna express my gratitude. Thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuu <333


morgif_kun November 28 2007, 21:11:44 UTC
^///^ I'm glad you liked it so much ♥

B-but you already gifted me back, I got your twins+Kuro fanart last week and and... *is awfully shy even on the net*

Oh dear, I'm flattered by your compliments XD;;; I'm happy I gave a shot at KuroFai~ and your request prompted me to draw again after a long time, so thank you (and our lovely moderator who got the idea)! ^__^


cruzle November 29 2007, 05:55:33 UTC
Aww, I'm so glad it got you to draw again! And and and it was fun to draw. Whee. 83

No, really, I sincerely love this picture so much. Nngh <3 thank you again! :3


iambickilometer November 27 2007, 23:35:33 UTC
Such an amazingly in-character picture, and very nice shading. :D


morgif_kun November 28 2007, 21:16:33 UTC
Thank you!

I'm happy the coloring came out nice, I'm not used to cel-shading^^;


ichimaru_san November 28 2007, 00:38:43 UTC
Woah. That is AMAZING. ^_~ Love it!


morgif_kun November 28 2007, 21:18:01 UTC
Glad you liked it~

Thank you! ;D


rufustehshinra November 28 2007, 19:21:49 UTC
Oh god. That's really freaking hot. ♥

And the coloring is ♥♥♥.


morgif_kun November 28 2007, 21:22:32 UTC
I'm happy you liked it ^_^ and Kuro is hot by default! lol

Thank you ♥


teamane January 9 2008, 22:14:33 UTC
This is what we need in the manga and anime, lovely tender and sexy moments like this.

Wonderful drawing and great coloring. Fay is a real sweet. And even Kuro. He tries not to but who can resist a bonbon like the cute mage? ^.^



morgif_kun January 10 2008, 14:18:47 UTC
Heeeee thank you! :D

I agree; enough with the angst! We need happy moments!

D-do I see a Seimaden icon there? ♥~!! Another couple that didn't deserve all the tragic stuff they went through


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