To Araidnechan, From Chaineddove ♥

Nov 15, 2007 21:32

Title: Convergence
Author: Maaya chaineddove
Recipient: Elsie ariadnechan
Series: Gouhou Drug/xxxHoLic
Characters/Pairing: Yuuko, Kakei, implied Kakei/Saiga
Rating: PG
Author Notes/Warnings: Apologies for wild speculation and anything that may not make total sense. A lot is left to the reader and I could probably ramble about the implications of certain things ( Read more... )

series: xxxholic, author: chaineddove, series: lawful drug, round one

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Comments 20

measuringlife November 16 2007, 07:52:25 UTC
*sparkles* I've always said that Yuuko and Kakei could take over the world together if they wanted, though honestly they'd probably just get drunk off their asses and make underage boys kiss each other. And if Watanuki ever saw Rikoguo, he'd probably go ARGH NO I WILL NOT HAVE TWO OF YOU CREEPS GET AWAY OUT NO DINNER FOR EITHER OF YOU.

ANYWAYS! This is a really beautiful, interesting, fluid take on them. You win! and I wish for sequels! ♥


chaineddove November 16 2007, 15:20:35 UTC
*lol* Thanks kindly.

Since it's indicated in canon that they occasionally work together, it seems to me like afternoons drinking tea would be very... them. Poor Watanuki; if he ever meets these two, he might die from overspaz. I have done another fic regarding the cross between the two series; it's on my LJ if you want to check it out ♥

I'm really glad you like this!


von_questenberg November 16 2007, 16:33:42 UTC
This is -fantastic-. <3333 I love your idea for how the three of them met.


chaineddove November 16 2007, 18:18:56 UTC
Aww, thank you~ ♥


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chaineddove November 19 2007, 15:52:55 UTC
Thanks much! Yuuko and Kakei's friendhsip is like... so firmly entrenched in my headcanon that I absolutely had to do this. glad you approve!


morgif_kun November 17 2007, 14:18:07 UTC
This was wonderful ♥
Very plausible first meeting, I like your speculations on Kakei's past and Saiga's power; it could fit canon perfectly!

And now you make me hope Clamp start GD again to tie it up with Holic T-T it would be awsome if they did~


chaineddove November 19 2007, 15:55:15 UTC
It would, it really would! I swear, coming up with this for Saiga made a lightbulb go on in my head, literally--I was like YES, THIS IS OBVIOUSLY IT OH GOD FINALLY YAY.

I am so glad other people like the theory ♥


ataraxistence November 20 2007, 10:38:52 UTC
First off: I have no clue why you're embarassed of this fic! It was so wonderful. I love the foreboding sense I get from it: Saiga's powers and Kakei's lack of knowledge and what does Yuuko want from them? It makes me so twitchy with anticipation that some part of me totally wants a sequel. But on the other hand I don't want a sequel because the tension is delicious. =D And on another note: hooray for Yuuko! I am so in love with her. =D


chaineddove November 20 2007, 17:26:17 UTC
Embarrassed because it's full of holes and choppy? But I'm glad you don't hate it ^^;

As for a sequel... I don't know, I've speculated on Kazahaya and Rikuo's fate with Yuuko in Past Precedence and it was not pretty; I'm not sure I want to repeat the experience *LOL*


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