Beta Reader Sign Up Post

Jul 27, 2009 12:57

Beta Rules

1. You may be a participant, but you do not have to be in order to sign up.
2. If you are a participant, please ensure that you are able to help out the writer and still be able to submit your gift.

If you are seeking a beta1. Please contact the beta well before the due date so that they are able to thoroughly go through the fic ( Read more... )

round six, beta sign ups

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Comments 2

dropsofviolet July 27 2009, 20:51:39 UTC
Name: Rhap-chan
LJ Username: rhap-chan
E-mail: rhapchan(@)gmail(.)com
AIM/MSN/Yahoo/G!chat: picarats/dropsofviolet(@)yahoo(.)com/dropsofviolet/n/a
Best way to contact you: LJ PM or Y!IM
Is there any series you are unwilling to beta for: I'll grammar/spell beta for any, but can't canon beta for Clover, X/1999, RG Veda, or Tokyo Babylon.


cat_i_th_adage August 10 2009, 03:38:32 UTC
Name: Thimble
LJ Username:
AIM/MSN/Yahoo/G!chat: N/A
Best way to contact you: e-mail
Is there any series you are unwilling to beta for: Chobits, Kabuto


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