Announcing Round 6: Free For All

Jul 27, 2009 12:32

Welcome to the Dimension Shop. Shall we grant your wish?


Sign up at this post, following the request format by August 3rd, 2009 11:59PM MST.


This is a Free For All round. Any series or character goes. All fics must be at least 2000 words for this round. There is no limit.

[Price]You will be assigned to write/draw the ( Read more... )

round 6, rules

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Comments 10

curious_robin July 30 2009, 13:44:13 UTC
Are we allowed to request something more specific for a return gift, like a plot line, or should it be left more vague for the artist's benefit?


stillskies July 30 2009, 23:38:44 UTC
Yes, you may. There used to be a section to write out your prompts, and I inadvertantly left it out this round, for which I apologize. When I send out the assignments, I'm going to add that people should consider the kinks as prompts.

Sorry about the confusion. ^^


curious_robin July 31 2009, 05:03:55 UTC
That's okay, thanks for clearing it up!


stillskies August 2 2009, 21:13:49 UTC
You're welcome!


youkohiei_fan August 2 2009, 06:19:09 UTC
I had asked a question last week I think and never recieved a reply. ^^;
My question was if we could use characters from tsubasa that have had cameos in the series for the characters we would like to see in our fics/art.


stillskies August 2 2009, 21:09:53 UTC
Ack! Sorry! I totally didn't see it. ^^;;

Definitely. Anything and everything goes this round, so long as it's CLAMP. ^_^


youkohiei_fan August 2 2009, 21:11:36 UTC
No problem, I wasn't sure if I commented in the righ place the first time. ^^;

Thanks! I'll go over and sign up. ^-^


stillskies August 2 2009, 21:14:17 UTC

Awesome. ♥


cat_i_th_adage August 11 2009, 00:18:42 UTC
Uh, hi, could you maybe let me know when the prompts are likely to be handed out? I'm just not a fast writer, is all.


stillskies August 12 2009, 01:45:53 UTC
Sorry. For some reason, I thought assignments were supposed to be sent out tomorrow. ^^;;

Let me know if you need more time.


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