To Nebulia, from Iambic ♥

May 13, 2009 09:44

Title: A Reason
Author: iambickilometer
Recipient: nebulia
Series: XXXHolic
Characters/Pairing: Haruka, Shizuka, other minor roles.
Rating: G
Author's Notes/Warnings [if any]: late, and for this I apologise profusely. I hope this is what you had in mind.

Haruka loves baseball. )

round 5, series: xxxholic, author: iambickilometer

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Comments 3

nebulia May 13 2009, 20:43:22 UTC

This was just lovely, and wonderful, and beautiful and god, and Haruka, and kudans, ang ugh.

I'm speechless. :) In a very very good way. :DDDDD


nebulia May 13 2009, 20:45:21 UTC
Also, Hanshin=WIN. I really think that was my favorite world. :DDD

And Haruka and Shizuka bonding over baseball...lolololol.


I am so happy about this right now. :D You just made my life.


iambickilometer May 13 2009, 21:14:39 UTC
Excellent, you liked it. :D I really really really enjoyed the prompt, and I wish I could've written more (but it was already several hours late, and so there it unfortunately had to end). But I'm really glad you enjoyed what's there. The kudan was fUn. So was the blind man, who really had to show up at some point. :D I really wanted to write him as sekrit!Matt Murdock. You should be proud that I didn't. XD;

but yay, it worked out. :D


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