To Jeanette, From Capella ♥

Nov 10, 2007 09:31

Title: Ryuuguu
Author: Capella (capella_aurigae)
Recipient: Jeannette (von_questenberg)
Series: RG Veda
Characters/Pairing: Ashura/Yasha (some), Seiryuu, Hakuryuu
Rating: PG
Author Notes/Warnings: None.

Everywhere they went they were met with profound changes in landscape. )

author: capella aurigae, series: rg veda, round one

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Comments 13

von_questenberg November 10 2007, 20:18:02 UTC
<3~ You I love, Capella. This is beautiful.


capella_aurigae November 11 2007, 04:12:36 UTC
♥ Love you too~ I'm so glad you like it.


rekallthegreat November 10 2007, 20:19:24 UTC
This was a really, really good fic! I really liked the way captured the characters, especially Ashura.

There needs to be more RGV fics, especially ones as good as this.


capella_aurigae November 11 2007, 04:33:53 UTC
Thank you! I'm flattered.

There does need to be more RG Veda fic. *nodnod*


selenityshiroi November 10 2007, 20:36:28 UTC
♥ ♥ ♥

Post RG Veda fic FTW!


capella_aurigae November 11 2007, 04:19:59 UTC
Thanks! In my personal belief, fandom could use more post-RG Veda fic.


selenityshiroi November 11 2007, 08:57:46 UTC
Most definately. There's a whole world to rebuild, pretty much, so it's not like there isn't a lot to work with.


duchessa November 10 2007, 23:50:19 UTC
I love your take on what happens after. Ashura, Yasha, Hakuryuu, Seiryuu...all are ♥~


capella_aurigae November 11 2007, 04:44:23 UTC
Thank you. Glad you like my mental post-canon, I hope to write more on it sometime.


morgif_kun November 17 2007, 14:27:27 UTC
This is such a great fic! *squeals*

Though RgVeda has been the first manga I loved, I never looked for fics before so this came as a nice surprise :) It was nice to see what could have happened after the end... makes sense that Ashura would want to apologise to whoever was left.
And awww protective!Yasha is always cute XD Uh, manly-cute of course XD


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