Beta Reader Sign Up Post

Sep 24, 2008 15:17

Beta Rules

1. You may be a participant, but you do not have to be in order to sign up.
2. If you are a participant, please ensure that you are able to help out the writer and still be able to submit your gift.

If you are seeking a beta1. Please contact the beta well before the due date so that they are able to thoroughly go through the fic ( Read more... )

beta sign ups, round four

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Comments 4

uminohikari September 24 2008, 21:30:36 UTC
Name: Helena
LJ Username: uminohikari
E-mail: uminohikari [at] gmail [dot] com
AIM/MSN/Yahoo/G!chat: takarahime/ hikariumi/ uminohikari
Is there any series you are unwilling to beta for: None, but knowledge of some series is shaky
Is there any AU you are unwilling to beta for: Anything involving smut.


dropsofviolet September 24 2008, 21:53:56 UTC
Name: Rhap-chan
LJ Username: rhap_chan
E-mail: dropsofviolet AT yahoo DOT com
AIM/MSN/Yahoo/G!chat:MSN/Yahoo!: dropsofviolet
Is there any series you are unwilling to beta for: X/1999, Tokyo Babylon, Legal Drug, Kobato, Chun Hyang, RG Veda (I will spell/grammarcheck for these, but I don't know the canon)
Is there any AU you are unwilling to beta for: any particularly violent or sexual one


cat_i_th_adage October 11 2008, 02:56:14 UTC
Eh, I'll be a beta if anyone needs one.


cat_i_th_adage October 11 2008, 03:00:31 UTC
Name: Thimble
LJ Username:
AIM/MSN/Yahoo/G!chat: None
Is there any series you are unwilling to beta for:I have no familiarity with Kobato, and little with RGVeda and Legal Drug. I could probably manage the rest.
Is there anything you are unwilling to beta for: Would rather not read smut or torture.


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