Announcing Round Four: Female Characters!

Sep 24, 2008 15:02

Welcome to the Dimension Shop. Shall we grant your wish?


Sign up a this post following the request format by October 4th, 2008 11:59PM MST.


This is a Female Character round. All submissions must be told from the point of view of a female character/be about a female character. No exception. All fics must be at least 750 words for this round. There is no limit.


You will be assigned to write/draw the request of another participant. You will receive your assignment by October 11th, 2008 from Your submission will be due November 8th, 2008 11:59PM MST.


Fic and Art will be posted on November 12th, 2008. Depending on the amount of submissions, one or two will be posted each day until everything is posted.


1. All fic/art must be original and written/drawn for this exchange.
2. As this is an anonymous exchange, you may not let it be known what you are writing/drawing, nor may it be posted to communities and your journal until after the final submission is posted.
3. All fic must be beta'd. If you don't have someone to beta for you, please go to this post.
4. By signing up, you agree to produce a fanwork for someone in exchange for your own. If, for some reason, you are unable to fulfill this requirement, let the mods [chaineddove, doumeki, iambickilometer, or von_questenberg] know by November 1st, 2008. This will ensure that we are able to secure a pinch hitter so that everyone gets their gifts in a timely manner.
5. In order to appeal to writers and artists of every age, there will be no NC-17 in this exchange.
6. Submissions need to be sent to by November 8th, 2008 11:59PM MST.
7. Submissions should be formatted as such:

Author Notes/Warnings:

8. Your fic must be HTML coded and submitted in an .RTF or .DOC format.
9. If you drop out of two rounds, be it consecutive or not, you will be suspended from participating in the exhange in the future until the MODs decide otherwise.


Leave a comment here, and a MOD will be sure to answer it!

[Can't Participate, But Still Want To Help]

Sign up to be a beta here or a pinch hitter here.

round four, rules

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