To Rekall, From Sherri ♥

Jul 23, 2008 22:47

Title: Clover
Author: doumeki
Recipient: rekallthegreat
Series: Primarily RG Veda, Clover, and X, with cameos from xxxHOLiC and CLAMP Gakuen Tokkei DUKLYON
Characters/Pairing: Kamui, Fuuma, Subaru, Seishirou, Ashura-ou, Taishakuten, Kendappa, Souma, Gingetsu, Ran, mentioned Kentarou, Takeshi, Yuuko, Clow, Watanuki, and Doumeki
Rating: PG because this is a fic with ( Read more... )

series: x, round three, author: doumeki, series: clover, series: rg veda

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Comments 8

uminohikari July 24 2008, 05:03:22 UTC
*giggles* That was a fun read~


stillskies August 9 2008, 18:48:32 UTC
I'm glad you liked it! ♥


ldydragon7 July 24 2008, 14:10:12 UTC
HAHAHAHAH Oh my that was great!

“We’ll be having dinner with Monou-kaichou of Armageddon Corporation and Taishakuten-kaichou of,” I... I choaked on my tea.

Ashara def. needs to give Subaru and Kamui some pointers. Seishiro and Fuuma trying to one up each other is so histerical (and so true).


stillskies August 9 2008, 18:48:04 UTC
XDXDXD was aoyagi's idea, so I can't take credit. But I'm glad it amused you! ♥


aoyagi July 24 2008, 19:29:58 UTC
I'm sorry, but Kendappa is NEVER taking over the whole world. Maybe half of it, yes, but she's no match for the force that is Clow+Yuuko :P And I really want to know what Clow did to get Yuuko to marry him :P That seems like an impossible feat to me ^_^;;;

And what an awesome ending. Totally made of win :D


stillskies August 9 2008, 18:47:13 UTC
He bribed her with alcohol and the opportunity to make thousands of peoples lives miserable. ^_^

Glad you liked it. ♥


rekallthegreat July 24 2008, 21:14:58 UTC

I love it! So many of my favourite pairings are in this! It was awesome and a great way to end this round! \o/

And clearly the only solution is that Kendappa shares half the world with the Clow/Yuuko team. XD


stillskies August 9 2008, 18:46:22 UTC
I'm glad you approved! I tried to fit in as many as I knew you liked, and I ended up only getting the four. ^^;;

And, clearly, that is the only solution. XD

Glad you liked it, dearie~! ♥


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