To Chibineko, From Iambic ♥

Jul 22, 2008 22:07

Title: Beneath the Waves
Author: Iambic
Recipient: chibineko
Series: xxxHOLiC, Legal Drug
Characters/Pairing: Watanuki, Doumeki, Himawari, Rikuo, mentions Rikuo/Kazahaya
Rating: G
Author's Notes/Warnings [if any]: I am so sorry. I wanted to have a Doctor Who crossover so badly, and then...this happened instead. 'S what I get for reading too many ( Read more... )

series: xxxholic, series: lawful drug, round three, author: iambickilometer

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Comments 7

uminohikari July 23 2008, 04:31:43 UTC
Aww, that was really cute :3


iambickilometer July 24 2008, 06:13:49 UTC
thanks. :D


etrangere July 23 2008, 11:38:11 UTC
Nice story.


iambickilometer July 24 2008, 06:14:13 UTC
Thank you! It was loads of fun.


ldydragon7 July 23 2008, 14:50:14 UTC
I love it! Selkie stories have intrested me for awhile, and I love your take on them.


iambickilometer July 24 2008, 06:15:31 UTC
yay! I'm a huge mythology obsessive, and so this is basically all my favourite story elements packed into one, combined with a dash of CLAMP. Thank you!


sparklyfanta September 26 2008, 01:11:28 UTC
OMG. Selkie!Doumeki and Faerybait!Watanuki is just made of so much awesome. I kept seeing Doumeki in turn-of-the-century clothing, too. This was lovely and wonderful!


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