To Sherri, From Luna ♥

Jul 13, 2008 09:17

Title: Green meeting
Author: Luna, artemisgoddess
Recipient: Sherri, doumeki
Series: Legal Drug, xxxHolic
Characters/Pairing: Rikuo/Kazahaya, Watanuki, Yuuko, Maru&Moro, Mokona
Rating: PG

“make )

series: xxxholic, series: lawful drug, round three, author: artemisgoddess

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Comments 6

nightingale_r3 July 13 2008, 15:46:26 UTC
That was just lovely! Is there any chance that you'll continue? I think this has the potential of becoming a multi-chapter fic, that is if you're interested...:)
A little comment- the color of the twins replays is to bright-can you pick a darker shade? I almost missed because of the color...


etrangere July 13 2008, 23:42:49 UTC
delivious. Just delicious XD


cat_i_th_adage July 14 2008, 11:37:41 UTC
I liked the way you had the characters interacting with each other.



ldydragon7 July 14 2008, 13:28:15 UTC
Very cool, I like the idea of Kazahaya working at Yuuko's shop.


chin_chin_kun July 17 2008, 03:13:22 UTC
Aw, this was very cute ♥ Thank you for writing.


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