To L, From Morgif-kun ♥

Mar 13, 2008 22:22

Title: Part-Time Job #34
Author: morgif_kun
Recipient: measuringlife
Series: CC Sakura
Characters/Pairing: Touya/Yukito (more gen than anything, really), bonus appearance of Himawari!
Rating: G
Author Notes/Warnings: following the 'french maid outfit' prompt, and I took the 'something fluffy/sweet' request quite literally ^_ ( Read more... )

artist: morgif_kun, round two, series: card captor sakura

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Comments 15

etrangere March 14 2008, 09:20:31 UTC
wow, gorgeous!


morgif_kun March 14 2008, 19:57:44 UTC
Thank you! :D


ataraxistence March 14 2008, 11:13:13 UTC
*laughs* Touya in a French maid outfit! (And terrifyingly enough, it suits him. >D) You are a genius. =D


morgif_kun March 14 2008, 20:00:47 UTC
With his many part-time jobs, we all know sooner or later he'd have ended up with something like this XD
Many thanks ♥


tomoyohime8 March 14 2008, 13:44:17 UTC
the background is amazing! and touya is adorable♥♥♥.

overall, i love it.

but isn't yuki's hair color more of a silver than a blond?


morgif_kun March 14 2008, 20:08:09 UTC
I'm glad you liked it! ♥

Actually I did color the hair gray-ish... then added a layer for the light and it turned out like that and I left it 'cause I don't really like the colour they used in the anime anyways XD;


tomoyohime8 March 15 2008, 14:10:42 UTC
he does look prettier. ^^ --> but it kind of reminds me of fai. with brown eyes.

it still looks nice, anyway. XD


nightingale_r3 March 14 2008, 15:19:54 UTC
OMG! Touya in his french maid outfit-LOL :)
This is just great!!!


morgif_kun March 14 2008, 20:12:17 UTC
I miss Touya (Clamp gave him such a short screen-time in TRC!) and basically wanted to make fun of him XD
Actually, his outfit is the same Chii wears in Chobits when working for the bakery ^o^


chaineddove March 14 2008, 19:46:53 UTC
LOVE this so much. You win the internets!


morgif_kun March 14 2008, 20:13:18 UTC
Ooooh, I won my first internet! I shall treasure it ^3^
Glad you liked!


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