To Oki-chan, From Sherri ♥

Jan 07, 2008 15:45

Title: Meanings and Musings
Author: doumeki
Recipient: oki_chan
Series: Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles
Characters: Fye, Kurogane, Mokona, Sakura, Syaoran
Rating: G
Author’s Notes: Sorry it took so long. Hope you like it.

Names, he knew, were powerful things. )

author: doumeki, series: tsubasa reservoir chronicles, round one

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stillskies January 14 2008, 19:23:05 UTC
Glad you liked it! And I'm so sorry it was so late! ^^;;

I think that 'Fai' is going to have a hold on him regardless. It's a stolen name, it's his brother's name, but 'Yuui' would have even more of a hold on him.

And Kuro-chu wants Fai to have power over him. He just doesn't know it. ♥


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