Seven Steps to Humanity- Chapter 3

Nov 13, 2011 16:40

Author: dream-edge
Title: Seven Steps from Humanity
Summary: AU VENJIX’s army wasn’t just machines. We could have handled machines. No. Someone had given VENJIX magic.
Rating: M
Pairings: Dillon/Ziggy, Scott/Summer, Gem/Flynn/Gemma, K/Tenaya
Disclaimer: I do not own the Power Rangers or anything related to the franchise.
Status: In Progress
Notes: Please see my journal here for background information, common terms, warnings, and further disclaimers. Information on races now added.

Part One: The Beginning Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 |

7 Steps from Humanity
Part One: The Beginning

Chapter 3 
Doctor K had started the interviews with 34 candidates. She ended with 16.

Every candidate wanted to help. Most, however, did not have the personality and conviction needed to give as much of themselves as Project Ranger demanded; most would not be able to trust their team as completely and immediately as was required. Of the 16 she had left, the twins brought it done to 12 due to personality clashes.

So now she sat in the room she had been given at the new building that was to be the base for Project Ranger, the 12 remaining files spread around her in a half-circle. Those files contained more notes now, her own as well as the twins. And others. She hadn’t been the only one in the interviews, after all. Colonel Truman had asked to sit in on the interviews; She had allowed it because the Colonel was going to have to work closely with the Rangers. She hadn’t liked the idea of him being there, of him having any say in the interviews, but that was merely because of how fiercely possessive of this team she was. And because the Colonel was there, Marcus was there as his 2IC. She was just glad the mayor had acknowledged that she knew very little about military procedures.

She was also glad she’d managed to negotiate with the twins on their presence in the interviews. Gem had been in the room with her, sitting silently in the corner unless he felt the need to say something. Gemma had been in the main room with the candidates to ensure no one cause any trouble; K had no doubts they had remembered her.

She had 12 to choose from. One chance to get it right because once they were bonded to the Power, there was no second guessing. She had to find the best, the strongest. Except… Except Marcus had advised, as he and his father had packed and moved to leave, that “You’re not looking for the best candidate. You’re looking for the best team.”

He was right of course. Team compatibility was part of the reason she had eliminated so many candidates. It was also the reason three of the files were still in the running. Three files the twins had been tense about through the whole interview process; though she had steadfastly not acknowledged it. She pulled those files towards herself. The edges  of the files were rough now, frayed from the many times she had looked over them.

Landsdown, Summer. McAllistair, Flynn. Truman, Scott. None of them were the best in any area, though all were surprisingly well-rounded with at least average scores in all areas. All had very good reasons for her to choose them; all had very good reasons for her to throw them out.

Landsdown was damaged, in mind more than body. Her spirit hadn’t been broken, not yet. But she’d been bent, and there were scars. The signs of trauma were there if you cared to look, shadows written across her eyes and psychic scent. There had been a strength in her though, strength enough to show that she would heal if given the chance. K wasn’t sure Project Ranger would give her that chance. Being a Ranger would be as mentally and emotionally taxing as it would be physically. The stress of that could prevent her from healing, might even cause a backslide.

However, she was a fully-trained empath. Someone who could not only sense emotions but influence them. If any more Predators joined the team, the ability to push someone into a calm would probably be not only appreciated, but necessary. With the amplifying abilities of the Ranger Power, the ability to push someone would become a very powerful tool, possibly to the point of being able to pull someone out of the cold rage.

“VENJIX has taken something from everyone and everything from far too many. Everyone has scars now Colonel. All I want is to prevent Venjix from making more.” Landsdown’s words, said in response to the Colonel’s stated concern for her reasons for fighting VENJIX and possible need for revenge. Landsdown believed she could be a Ranger. K agreed, perhaps precisely because she had lost so much to Venjix. However, due to her recent trauma, there was no way K would be able to put her on the team unless her Pack joined her.

That brought it down to McAllistair. Of the three, he had scored the lowest. Of all those left, he had scored the lowest. Even with the others’ interference taken into account, she doubted McAllistair would have scored over the lowest average quartile range. Even he had admitted it. It was the last question always asked, “What do you think you can offer to this team that the others can’t?” Everyone else had given her some sort of ability.

McAllistair had been the first to look her in the eye and tell her with complete and unashamed frankness: “Nothin’.” He had admitted, freely, that the other candidates were all stronger and faster than he was, that must of them had some form of metaphysical ability that could outmatch him. He had even admitted that his luck-granting could do little against real combat training, which he didn’t have.

Yet, when asked why he was there at all then, his one answer had been merely that “Helpin’ people is who Aye am.” There had been so much strength in him then, when he said that he couldn’t not come, that he had to try. That interview had left her oddly satisfied; through most of it McAllistair had seemed so ordinary. Yet that last question, something in him had changed, had settled in him, leaving a being that was self-assured without being arrogant, that was noble and somehow stronger than any other candidate she had seen that day. That was the kind of man who could run with Dea al Mon as an equal.

She almost wanted to put him on the team, almost, because she didn’t like how the other candidates had reacted to him yesterday. Everyone but Truman and Landsdown had emitted a quiet hostility; the last thing she needed was the team split right down the middle,which would happen because the twins would always side with McAllistair. So McAllistair had joined Landsdown; the only way he would become a Ranger was with the rest of his Pack.

Then there was of course Truman. Three Trumans actually, all stubborn, annoying males in their own right. If the youngest Truman did make it onto the team, the first thing that was happening to him was family counseling. Somehow, the Colonel had been unaware that his son was applying for Project Ranger until he had walked into the interview room. Which was strange, because K had told Marcus of his brother’s involvement in the mess with the Fae man when she’d reported the incident; apparently that part had been very carefully edited out by the time it got to the Colonel. Only her quick intervention during the interview had prevented a full on squabble.

Scott Truman did not have Landsdown’s damage or McAllistair’s weakness, but he had Issues. From what she had seen of him, it did truly deserve the capitalization. Not only with his own needs, but with his father, which could cause problems as his father was also Corinth’s military leader and someone they would have to work with on a daily basis.

But of all the remaining candidates, Truman had the best scores. He was a soldier, and according to his military record, he had a penchant for reckless maneuvers that turned out to be amazing strategy. He was also good with team building, at knowing who could do what, what their limits were, and how to best utilize those abilities. Of everyone, he was the one she’d choose to make team leader. The twins were amazing fighters and they worked together better than anyone she’d ever seen. But they only worked together. Another leader was needed to ensure they meshed with the group, instead of always doing things by themselves.

So unlike his friends, Truman remained very firmly in the running. The only reason she hadn’t firmly decided on him was his issues with Colonel Truman.

She hesitated then decided the Colonel could learn to deal and placed the file for his son in her lap. One decided, two to go.

After that, there really didn’t seem to be a choice. She wanted the best team. Individually, she never would have chosen them, but together, they somehow balanced out. They brought out the best in each other. Choosing just Scott was choosing only part of a puzzle.  She sighed and grabbed the other two files as well. At the very least, she mused dryly, it would be easier to get two groups to work together, than three people and a pair.

The candidates mingled around the room as they waited to be called into the room. Three at a time, each to hear if they had been chosen to be Rangers. None came back out, leaving through a different room so as not to share with those still waiting for their turn. They mingled together, all except three who waited quietly in the corner, occasionally sharing a few words with each other.

Scott leaned against the wall behind him, sitting calmly between Summer and Flynn. Every so often, his leg would shift so his knee bumped against Flynn’s; it never failed to bring a slight smile to the man’s face. Summer was leaning her head against his shoulder, eyes closed as she pretended to sleep. Scott was sure she wasn’t actually asleep, her breathing was too methodical for true sleep.

Going home yesterday had been tough. Mason had not been happy that Scott had not told him he was trying out for Project Ranger. Scott was 24, he was pretty sure he didn’t have to tell his dad what he did anymore. Especially since he was pretty sure he wasn’t going to make it after the almost argument he’d had with his father during the interview; it hadn’t been very professional.


“Did that twin say anything to you guys?” he asked quietly, whispering the words into Summer’s hair. Summer lifted her head up to frown at him. “One of the twins was in there?” she asked.

“Yeah. He was sitting in the corner. I didn’t even realize he was there until he spoke. Scared the shit out of me.” He admitted, grinning slightly.

“Gem.” Flynn said quietly but firmly. Scott frowned and looked over at him. “What?”

“The male twin, his name is Gem.” Flynn said, rather calmly, but there was an odd note of steel in his tone. Scott glanced briefly at Summer and from the expression on her face, she heard it too.

“Alright, Gem.” Scott agreed, because you didn’t upset an ill-wisher. “He say anything to you?” Flynn shook his head. “Huh.” Scott said and looked down at Summer. She shook her head as well. Just me then, he realized and wasn’t sure if that was good or bad.

He closed his eyes and remembered how, when he’d gone to leave, he’d caught movement out of the corner of his eye and Gem had suddenly been there, watching him intently. It had been chilling to realize the Dea al Mon had been there the whole time and he hadn’t noticed. One did not just overlook the most dangerous Predator on the planet. “When my sister killed that man,” Gem had said, “It knocked you right out of the cold rage.” It had, and he admitted as such. There had been something more than rage in her eyes, something more than the usual Predator wildness he was used to. That, and the knowledge she would tear him apart in seconds, had pushed him into warmth. Yet that hadn’t been the question.

“If you see her like that again, will it throw you?”


There had been something very pleased in the Dea al Mon’s eyes when he’d answered. Scott had wondered, briefly, if the man had been implying he would see the woman like that again, would have to fight beside her when she rested on the killing edge, and would have to keep fighting regardless. The thought of fighting beside all that unstoppable power should have been frightening. The knowledge that he’d have to place his life in that woman’s hands when she danced on the killing field, that he would have to trust her not to turn that knife on him because she didn’t trust him so close to her Pack, should have been sickening.

Scott had never felt so alive than when he considered it.

“…Flynn. Truman, Scott.”

He blinked and raised his head when his name was called. Summer and Flynn were already standing up. The female twin-Scott thought her name was Gemma and that she didn’t have very imaginative parents- was standing in the door to the other room, three files in her hands and watching them intently. Also, they were the only ones left. When had that happened?

Summer smiled at him, humor high in her woodland eyes. “Finally come back to the normal world, boyo?” she asked, amusement layered rich in her tone.

He huffed agreement and accepted the hand Flynn held out to him, letting the Human pull him to his feet. They walked slowly into the room, bumping shoulders the whole way. Scott wasn’t sure about the others, but the contact eased the tight ball inside him.

The young doctor was sitting at the table, watching them with dispassionate eyes. His father and brother stood in one corner of the room. Mason did not look happy. Marcus did. When he looked at the twins, who stood opposite his father, he found they were positively giddy. That… was that a good sign or not?

Except… except then Flynn seemed to loosen, most of his tension just draining away. Something in him settled and a slight, barely there smile slipped across his face. When Scott looked over at him, Flynn was staring at the twins, they were staring back, and Scott was sure he’d just missed something.

The doctor cleared her throat, bringing eyes back to her. That was when he noticed the three boxes sitting on the table in front of her. His heart leapt. “You three have Issues.” The doctor told them and it was so clear she’d capitalized it in her mind he wanted to laugh. “A great many Issues. I’ve been told that I shouldn’t have chosen you.” She paused then and glanced over at his father before saying with annoyance. “Repeatedly.” His father coughed and looked away.

“Admittedly, Colonel Truman did bring up valid points that, if you had been alone, would have ensured you weren’t chosen. However, I am not looking for individuals. I am looking for a team, and you three already are one. A very good one, perhaps a better one than I could have created on my own. You compliment each other. And for that, you are the new Rangers.”

There was silence.

“Seriously?” Summer burst out, eyes blown wide. The doctor merely nodded. “Oh.” Summer breathed out. Clearly the knowledge hadn’t sunken in yet. Admittedly, Scott wasn’t quite ready to believe it either. Scott looked over at his friends. “This is the point where one of us wakes up isn’t it?” he asked.

Doctor K snorted and pushed one of the boxes forward. “You, Mr Truman, are to be designated Ranger Red. You will be team leader.”

“I will be?” he asked, at the same time as his father said, “He what?”

She nodded. “Yes. According to your service record, you have a mind for strategy and you’re good with people. The twins are amazing fighters but they’re too used to being on their own. For that reason alone, they cannot lead this team, though I assure you, there are other reasons.”

He hesitated only for a moment, then eased the box towards him. Inside was a red gem, dangling from a silver wire. Not a ruby, he realized immediately, though he wasn’t sure what was giving it the red color. When he picked it up, the stone was warm. “A necklace?” Summer asked, though he barely heard her over the roar that filled his ears as power rushed through him. A focus-stone, he realized. A very powerful one. Except focus-stones were usually clear.

Focus-stones were used to amplify metaphysical abilities, not physical ones. But Scott was sure that if he could figure out how to channel this power, it would make him stronger and faster than he could ever hope of being on his own.

A hand rested against his elbow and there was a slight tug on his senses. Summer, he realized, trying to show him how to leash this power. He did so clumsily, sealing it away. It was only then he realized it had been glowing, casting the room in an almost eerily red light. Now the light died down, until the stone almost felt dead in his hands.

The doctor was watching him with approval. “He’s a natural.” She told his father, which was funny, because neither Humans or Vampires had any metaphysical abilities, so there was no way he had the mental discipline needed to control this power. His father grunted, watching him carefully. “It is, of course, not just a necklace.” The doctor continued as he slipped the wire over his head. “After several years of research, we’ve managed to tie these stones into a power field that encompasses the planet. Its called the Morphing Grid. In time, you will be taught to access this power on command. It had three stages. The dormant stage, for when you are not accessing it. The amplifying stage, which will heighten every ability you have. The third stage is the armor stage. When used, you will be encased in a suit of armor. Use it sparingly, because it takes a great deal of energy to use.”

That said, she pushed another box towards Summer. “You, Miss Landsdown, will be Ranger Yellow.” Scott watched as Summer gently settled the stone around her neck. Once there, it cast out a golden light that cast strange intimidating shadows across her face. It lasted only a moment before she wheeled it in, a glint of amusement back on her face.

“Mr McAllistair, you will be Ranger Blue.” Doctor k said, pushing the last box towards him. Flynn opened it then hesitated, one hand hovering over the stone and looked up at K. “Are ye sure abou’ this?” he asked. Scott wanted to yell at him.

The doctor merely met his gaze calmly. “I am not looking for fighters, Mr McAllistair.” She told him. “I am looking for protectors. That is who you are, is it not?”

Flynn smiled and took his necklace.

There was a slight shifting out of the corner of his eye. When Scott looked, the twins had moved to stand at Flynn’s shoulder. They looked over at him with warm eyes and smiled. Except the smiles looked more like smirks and Gemma had just winked at him. That was when it hit Scott.

He was team leader. He was supposed to order those two around. … Sometimes he hated his life.

“Good.” Doctor K said, oblivious to, or perhaps ignoring, their silent exchange. She merely stared at them with a quiet smile. “This will do. Now, a base has been set up for us at this location.” She handed each of them a piece of paper with an address squalled across it in tiny handwriting. “Please, move in as soon as possible.” She said.

Translation: immediately, Scott thought, smiling slightly. “We’ll get right on it.” He promised.

Summer had brought plants, Scott realized when he finally arrived at his new home. Of course Summer had brought plants. Scott watched as his new teammate debated with herself on where to put the hydrangea she as holding. In a few weeks, when the plants started to grow with a little magical assistance, the whole building would look like a miniature forest. He wondered how long it would be before there were wines growing up the stairs. It would happen, that wasn’t a question. Not with a Witch on the team. He wondered what K would have to say about it.

“Tell me you did bring something other than plants.” He requested as he looked around. He hadn’t brought much, just some clothes, a few pictures, and a bottle of the blood wine. A normal Vampire could live on the blood wine for weeks. He could go months before he required someone to bleed. It all fit into two bags.

Summer glanced over at him and huffed. “Of course I did.” She said and turned to look at the other side of the building, holding the plant up thoughtfully. “You can park your car inside, I believe. Its awfully big in here.”

“Maybe it’s for training.” He suggested. Summer shook her head. “Training room’s next to the living room, which is off of the kitchen, over there.” She said and waved vaguely in one direction.

He arched an eyebrow but didn’t say anything. She had been here longer. “Where are the bedrooms?” he asked.

She motioned to the stairwell off to the side. “I think you just take whatever you want.” She told him. “The twins are sharing, I believe. They took the farthest room. I’m in the second one in.”

“Is there any difference?” he asked. Summer shook her head. “Didn’t think so. Flynn get here yet?” he asked as he started up the stairs.

“No.” Summer called as she walked into the kitchen. She came back out just as he moved onto the third room. There really wasn’t much of a difference; just a slightly altered view out the window. When he counted, he realized there were two extra room. While he frowned at the hall, Summer leaned on the railing and called up to him. “Want me to put the wine away?”

“Sure.” He answered, than paused. “How did you know?” he asked, turning to look at her.

She looked up at him, her expression very clearly telling him not to be an idiot. “You’re a Vampire. Of course you have the blood wine.”

He smiled slightly and moved on. “Where are the twins?”

“No idea.” Summer told him, voice distant as she moved into the kitchen again. “The Doc’s in the lab though.”

Scott looked down at her from over the railing. “We have a lab?” he asked.

“She has a lab. We just live here.” Summer corrected. “The whole place is also bugged.” Scott followed her pointed finger and found himself staring at a camera. He couldn’t tell if it was on or not. “Fun.” He muttered.

Finally, he just decided on taking the first room and slung his bag inside. There really wasn’t anything to see in the room. The walls were bare and slate gray; the floor was covered in hardwood; there as a bed, a desk, and a dresser; one window that didn’t show much and whose only function was to let light in. When he came out, Flynn had arrived. So had the twins.

The twins were carrying Flynn’s bags.

Flynn had a bemused expression on his face as the twins quickly took his bags up the stairs and shoved them in the room closest to theirs. “Is tha’ my room?” Flynn asked Scott, slight, mystified smile on hi face. He looked rather like a whirlwind had knocked him over, which was a good way of describing the twins.

“It is now.” He said, walking down to greet him. He nodded his head towards where the twins were walking back towards them. “What’s with them?” he asked.

“They followed me home.” Flynn said calmly, shrugging both shoulders and tucking his hands in his pockets.

“They… followed you home?” Scott asked and looked over at where Summer was standing now, frowning slightly with confusion.

Then the twins stepped calmly into place next to Flynn. “That’s it?” Gem asked, watching Flynn intently. Flynn nodded. “Tha’s it.” He agreed happily. Gemma was watching Scott and Summer though, and there was a strange look in her eyes that took Scott a second longer than he preferred to recognize. Challenge.

Then everything seemed to slide into place.Flynn was Pack, Flynn was their Pack. Flynn resonated. Well, wasn’t that interesting?

He met her gaze and nodded to her, not rising to that challenge. He acknowledged the twins claim on Flynn, even though technically he had met Flynn first, had been friends with him before the twins, so he should have had priority. Gemma blinked once then smiled quietly, everything about her calming and settling. “We’re going to get on just fine.” Gemma assured him.

“Won’t that be fun?” He said with more sarcasm than was probably called for.

Gemma merely grinned. “Welcome to Project Ranger.” She said. It was more of a statement than a greeting really, and layered under the words was a silent message. You just described it in one, boyo.

Part Two
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