Вот эта статья Майка Адамса, пожалуй, лучшее, что я видел на данный момент:
Giffords shooter shows pattern of psychiatric derangement; no clear political affiliation Фокус статьи - сам главный подозреваемый, Джаред Лоунер, но многие медийные аспекты происходящего разобраны очень, на мой взгляд, правильно.
Comments 11
he made made his choice and went to democratic venue.
nice choice there to bring some light to the issue.
I know Giffords personally and spent time with her as part of her first-term election campaign (I lived in her district in Tucson for several years). In no way did she deserve this act of extreme violence carried about by an individual who clearly suffers from mental illness.
The mainstream media immediatly latched onto this story and tried to say the shooter was some sort of anti-government nut. He was a nut alright, who rambled unintelligibly about burning the American flag, sleepwalking through life and being visited by colorful birds sitting on his shoulder.
He was not, however, overtly affiliated with any political part or philosophy.
Would an ultra-conservative work on Rep. Gifford's campaign?
“spent time” i don’t know what that means.
when people work for somebody, and they are proud of it,
they say so straight up.
he works here now “your Source for Conservative News”
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