Unyielding (Neville, Draco, Harry)

Apr 11, 2021 15:29

Title: Unyielding
Character(s): Neville, Draco, Harry
Rating: PG-13
Challenge(s): Prompt 458: Scandalous FOR
Word count: 100x5
Author's notes: Unbetaed. Part 69 of Wanting Harry series. Also written for
enchanted_jae's JMDC drabble challenge No. 182. "Promise."

Enjoying his day off, Neville worked in the small garden behind his house. He didn't have much planned for the day as he was going to meet up with Draco and Harry later for dinner. They had agreed to give Neville some space to enjoy his rare day off. Whenever he had been free, Neville had made it a point to see his men, but, they could see more than he did himself that he was always tired because of this.

They all had very different and opposite schedules, and Neville was the only one with a steady job and set hours. Part of him wondered if he'd spent as much time with them was because of his own insecurities. What if he wasn't around for a day? Would they forget about him? What if he worked all the time and they realised they didn't need him anymore?

He knew it was foolish to think such things but he'd never been in a steady relationship before and this was anything but a normal relationship, either.

Still, the lingering fear of someone finding out about them was also always there. What if an article in the Prophet published scrutinising them. Calling their relationship scandalous? What would they do? Deny it? Neville wanted to ask all these questions, yet he hesitated because maybe being out to the world would make it real. Right now, he enjoyed the secrets they shared, the love they had for each other, and he knew both Draco and especially Harry would hate to be in the public light again.

He had wanted to bring up the idea of going on a holiday together but he didn't know how. What would they say? Where could they go where they wouldn't be recognised?


"Thinking quite hard there, Neville…"

Draco's gentle tone yanked Neville out of his thoughts. His persistent fear and insecurity travelled from the afternoon until the evening over dinner.

"Right. Sorry. I was just…" Neville trailed off when Harry placed his hand on Neville's thigh. He rubbed gently, and Never was sure it was meant to be a friendly gesture but when he was with his men, nothing remained friendly for too long. "If you keep doing that, I might not be able to explain."

Harry smiled at him when Neville realised the small touch had eased some tension out of his body immediately.

"How do you do that to me?" he asked.

Harry's hand ventured up into Neville's hair and he threaded his fingers though Neville's locks. "Same way you two do it for me. Being around you helps shut the world out."

"I know…" replied Neville. "I'm… I need to learn to live in the moment."

"Anything we can do to help?" Harry asked and Neville leaned into the touch some more. He sighed happily.

"Just wishing we could go on a holiday away from the world and be able to enjoy ourselves outside the four walls."

"We'll get there. Soon. I promise," said Draco. This entry was originally posted at https://digthewriter.dreamwidth.org/839327.html. Thanks for reading

community: neville100, rating: pg-13, series: wanting harry, challenge: jmdc

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