Cute and Fluffy and Romantic

Jan 26, 2020 21:46

If you want something cute/fluffy/romantic drabble or art for Valentine's day - please leave a comment below. Comments are not screened.

Slash or femslash: Harry Potter, Merlin, and maybe Stucky (but BIG IF ON THIS). You can even be like, yo dig, i know you're into STORMPILOT so how about that... Just no HET requests, please. Thanks!

No guarantees it'll happen but you can try your luck! ♥

You can leave whatever format of prompt one word or song or pairing or whatever you want. I might combine some wishes if it comes to that.

If you are uncomfortable leaving a prompt below, you can email me at digthewriter AT gmail dot COM.

This entry was originally posted at Thanks for reading

about: friends, about: art, about: prompt extravaganza, about: writing, about: happiness

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