Flashback (Merlin/Arthur)

Mar 06, 2014 05:33

Author: digthewriter
Title: Flashback
Rating: PG
Character/s: Merlin, Arthur, Helios
Summary: Arthur remembers the first time he'd met him.
Word Count: 340
Prompt: Truth or Dare on camelot_drabble
Author's Notes: This is PART FIVE of "Merlin and Arthur at work" Part One: Uther's Assistant. Part Two: The Vice President. Part Three: The Party Invitation. Part Four: Uther and Arthur

“Come on, Arthur, truth or dare?” the girl had asked Arthur as she tugged on his arm.

Arthur couldn’t even recall her name.

The memory seemed from a different lifetime-someone else’s life.

“Dare,” Arthur had said. He never would pick truth.

“I dare you to walk up to that bloke, and get his number,” Helios had said, his sadistic grin was hard to miss.

“A bloke’s number?” Arthur had asked, raising an eyebrow. His heart had been pounding. Did Helios know? How could he have? No one knew, not then, anyway.

“It’s a date.” Helios smirk was so prominent that it made Arthur cringe even now, trying to remember it.

Arthur was in the closet then, he’d been in the closet for a very long time. The only person who knew that Arthur fancied men more than women was his roommate, who’s cock Arthur had sucked a few times to keep him quiet.

Arthur laughed at how his former roommate had thought it was a “punishment.”

Arthur had groaned and made such a fuss about being how “straight” he was, and how it was going to be such a waste of time. Then he’d walked up to the bloke who looked at him with his wide eyes. The blue eyes were just so blue, as though they were glowing. The bloke seemed to recognise Arthur and Arthur thought his luck had just been made.

“Hi, you know me, right?” Arthur had asked, ever so casually. The Pendragon charm had never failed him.

“Yeah, we’re in Chemistry together,” the bloke had answered, gesturing for Arthur to sit. Arthur had. Grinningly.

“Right. So do you think I could get your number, and maybe you can help me with the assignment that’s due next week?” Arthur asked and the bloke’s eyes lit up again. What was it about those eyes? “I mean, just for study, of course.”

“Oh. Yeah, sure,” the bloke answered, and scribbled his number on a piece of paper.

“Well, great,” Arthur said. “I’ll be calling you then, Merlin.”

fandom: merlin, pairing: merlin/arthur, rating: pg-13, community: camelot_drabble

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