Embrace - Twisted Secrets, Part 30

Apr 28, 2019 18:07

Title: Embrace
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Ginny, Hermione
Rating: PG-13
Prompt: Mess me up, yeah, but no one does it better - janelle monae lyrics table.
Word Count: 365
Notes: This is part 30 of the "Twisted Secrets" Story (AO3 LINK). Also for
hogwarts365 - prompt 291.

Hermione didn't say anything. She gave Ginny a soft smile which didn't reach her eyes. How did they become like this? When they were together, everything was so simple. It may not have been simple with the world but it was simple between them.

"I mean…" Ginny started. "Olivia lied to the reporter. We're not together. We never were. It was a…mistake."

"A mistake you had to make because of me," Hermione said, and Ginny couldn't read her tone. "But that's okay. I mean, it helped me come to terms with my own things. I needed to be out. I needed to tell the world what I was hiding. I mean, you wouldn't believe the letters I have received. Half supportive of young people from all over Europe and half of people telling me, it's just a phase."

Ginny scoffed. "A phase."

"So, you see… it's not all bad. I'm happy you've moved on. Whether it's for now until you find someone else…"

"Hermione, there won't be anyone else."

"Don't say that. You've a great future. In Quidditch and everything else." Hermione took a step closer before stopping.

Ginny closed the distance between them, pulling Hermione in for a hug. Her face buried in Ginny's neck; she felt Hermione cry before her tears touched her skin. Her embrace tightened; she wasn't going to let go. She wasn't ready for that.

She held Hermione for a long time. They didn't move and when it felt like Hermione had got herself under control again, there was gentle knock on the door.

Ron took a step into the study and smiled awkwardly. "I…we finished up with the kitchen and the sitting room. Dra-Malfoy said his house-elf is going to deliver your donations to the charity box, so, uh…I think we're gonna go."

Ginny raised an eyebrow at her brother who seemed to be ignoring her.

"Thanks for everything. See you tomorrow," Hermione said; Ron all but ran out of the room.

"Dra-Malfoy?" Ginny asked.

"They've started shagging," Hermione whispered sharply and gasped as if surprised by her own directness. "I mean, they told me a few days ago."

Ginny laughed, keeping her hold on Hermione tight, and said, "Finally."

This entry was originally posted at https://digthewriter.dreamwidth.org/700280.html. Thanks for reading

challenge: janelle monae lyrics table, pairing: hermione/ginny, -femmeslash, community: femslashficlets, rating: pg-13, story: twisted secrets, character: hermione granger

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