Just Action - Sirius/Harry

Sep 02, 2018 01:20

Title: Just Action
Author: digthewriter
Pairing: Sirius Black/Harry Potter
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 300
Summary: Harry wants to make a move. He wants more.
Notes: Unbetaed. Created for 1.
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community: harry100, gift recipient: seraphinavictus, scarstar, rating: pg-13, community: rarepair_shorts, pairing: sirius/harry, gift fic

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Comments 3

legorli September 2 2018, 05:53:30 UTC
I'm glad to see Sirius/Harry here after a long time (unless I missed something)! This is basically Harry and Sirius when they are together, so I find it in character, something I always seek in fanfiction. I just wonder what were the first words they exchanged after the kiss, if there are any. ;)

Thank you very much for this! I've been waiting for you to write something on them, to be honest. You've given much to this small side of the huge HP fandom, so thank you again!


digthewriter September 2 2018, 06:58:05 UTC
OMG that is so sweet. Thank you so much for your comment, and I hope to write them more soon.


I have all these ideas just very little time to execute them.

All the best,


legorli September 2 2018, 07:34:32 UTC
Hehe, Positive comments are the besy thing for writers. :D Your reply was sweet as well.

I know what you mean... Hold on to those ideas please and be well!


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