FIC: Closet Life (Ginny, Pansy)

Jun 09, 2018 17:36

sirmioneforever for
Title: Closet Life
Pairing: Pansy/Ginny
Request/Prompt Used: Sharing a bed.
Rating: PG
Word Count: 400
Summary: Ginny isn't ready to come out of the closet but that doesn't mean she can't have fun, either.
Notes: Unbetaed.

Blank faces stared at each other.

"It's fine, I can cast a Severing Charm to split my bed in two," Ginny said to everyone gathered in the sitting room, looking like they were going to have a meltdown.

Even though Harry was her ex-boyfriend, the Weasleys were his family. And now that he was getting married, not to her, the Weasleys were hosting the reception for him.

Everyone who was anyone was attending the wedding, and there simply wasn't enough space for Harry's friends, and the other groom's friends. So, they had to share. Ginny noticed the discomfort on her parents' face when they'd not accounted for Pansy Parkinson.

She tried not to release a sigh, disappointed herself how they were so uneasy towards Parkinson.

"You don't have to," Parkinson said softly. She was doing well hiding it but Ginny had noticed her melancholy tone.

"It's fine. Just bring you things up, and then we can get ready for this evening." She turned on her heels and started to walk up the stairs, and Parkinson followed suit.


It was a fun reception and Ginny had danced with both soon-to-be-grooms, and all of her other friends. There were a few other lesbian couples on the dancefloor but Ginny didn't dare dance with another woman. This wasn't her coming out party.

At the end of the evening, she and Parkinson walked back to her room.

When she closed the door behind her, locking it, Parkinson looked at her sceptically.

"What?" she asked.

"You didn't split the bed," Parkinson said, sounding slightly surprised.

Ginny rolled her eyes. "So?"

"So, I thought you weren't ready-"

"We're both not ready," Ginny said.

"But what if…" Pansy sounded nervous so Ginny closed the distance between them and pulled Pansy into a kiss.

"No one dares come into my room, and I've locked us in for the night," Ginny said, kissing Pansy's nose. "It's a facade, of course, that having you in my room is an inconvenience. I was worried about how to bring the topic of how you should share the room with me anyway, and an overabundance of guests made it easy."

"So we'll share the bed?" Pansy asked, sounding delighted, but struggling to hide it. She was a terrible actress for being a Slytherin.

"We'll share more than that for the next few days, if it's all right with you?"

"More than," replied Pansy.

This entry was originally posted at Thanks for reading

-femmeslash, recipient: sirmioneforever, community: rarepair_shorts, gift fic, rating: pg

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