Passion (Merlin/Arthur)

Feb 26, 2018 01:42

Title: Passion
Rating: NC-17
Pairing/s: Merlin/Arthur
Warnings: Sexual content.
Word Count: 695
Author's Notes: Unbetaed. Part 18 of "Secret Admirer?" Story. This is a story that originally started for camelot-drabble but since I don't write for that comm anymore, I was getting requests on AO3 and PM to finish it. I hope to do that someday. LOL.

It wasn't very surprising to Arthur he was there for Merlin to command. Whatever Merlin asked of him, Arthur did. Merlin stayed on the floor, eye level with Arthur's erection and watched Arthur wank.

He licked his lips a few times, otherwise, he only tortured Arthur with a heated gaze. He never, ever, touched him. When he could tell Arthur was close, Merlin stood up and closed the distance between them. He kissed Arthur so passionately, Arthur had nearly fainted. Or at least, he felt weak in the knees.

As much as Arthur had wanted Merlin, it was hard to believe Merlin had wanted him back. Especially, with so much enthusiasm.

"Don't come yet," Merlin mumbled against Arthur's lips. "I want you to come in the shower with me. I want to make you come."

Arthur shivered against Merlin's strong hold on him. He had never wanted anyone as badly as he wanted Merlin. And it wasn't just the sexual attraction he'd felt, it was more. He wanted to do everything for Merlin. He wanted to take care of him, pay for his mother's medical bills, and just take him home and keep him there.

He knew it sounded crazy and creepy so he kept the thoughts to him. One thing at a time, he told himself.

00-00Merlin gave Arthur a long, cotton towel to wrap around himself, and completely undressed-obviously giving Arthur a show before he put on a dressing gown. They slowly walked to the bathroom on the other side of the flat with Merlin holding Arthur's hand.

Once there, Arthur didn't know why his heart was pounding so fast. He was there with Merlin. Merlin wanted him, and he was safe. Not that he'd never been safe before, maybe he hadn't fully trusted his heart before, but this time he did. His heart was in Merlin's hands, and he felt safe.

Merlin smiled at him and gave him a soft kiss before they rid their towel and robe and entered the shower. As the hot water poured on Arthur's body, he finally came to terms with just how exhausted he'd been. It was as if Merlin could read him, he started to massage his shoulders. Arthur let out a guttural moan and immediately regretted it. What if Merlin's mother heard him?

"It's okay." Merlin's voice was comforting and Arthur leaned back, resting his head on Merlin.

"It's so sexy how you've always been so touchy with me," Merlin said.

"You make it easy to trust you."

Merlin kissed Arthur's shoulder and turned him around. "I'm happy to hear that. I'll do-I know it'll sound weird, but I'll do anything for you."

"Yeah. Me too," Arthur said as they started to kiss again.

Arthur used a bit of shampoo to lather Merlin's hair and massage his scalp, and this time, it was Merlin groaning for him. "Sometimes it's hard to believe you're actually here."

Arthur laughed softly, "sometimes it's hard to believe I was never with you."

It didn't take long for their soft, flirty moments to turn into something that left them hot and heavy. Arthur's hand reached around Merlin, caressing his back, and then moving down to his arse before slicked fingers and found their way into Merlin's tight entrance. Merlin gasped as he stroked Arthur's erection and they were both moaning in each other's mouths, on the brink of an orgasm.

"Wait…" Merlin said, almost sound panicking. "I wanted you to come in my-"

"There's time for that," Arthur said. "This is so good for me right now. Is that…is that okay?"

Merlin nodded. "I just want to satisfy you…"

Arthur laughed, "If anything, I should be the one making sure of that for you. I need to make sure you're happy. I want you to be…to stay with me."

"Arthur…" Merlin said, "I find you sexy as hell but that's not why I lo-like you. I would be happy just being your friend. Now…especially now I know you're this amazing, gentle man I always wished you were."

"Keep talking like that, Mer, and we won't be sleeping tonight."

"Sleep is overrated anyway."

This entry was originally posted at Thanks for reading

story: ma-secret admirer, pairing: merlin/arthur, rating: nc-17

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