Together. [James, Teddy, Scorpius]

Nov 14, 2017 23:24

Title: Together
Pairing: James, Scorpius, Teddy
Word Count: 100x2
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Sex.
Challenge: Prompt 130: Something New for hp_nextgen100
A/N: Unbetaed. Harry/Draco background. Continuation of Worth The Wait Series.

Scorpius looked down and almost couldn't believe it. His cock was rubbing against James, and he could barely contain his moans as Teddy was getting them off. He'd had plenty of sex in his life, he supposed, but being part of a threesome like this was something new. Being part of a loving relationship was also totally brand new. He'd wanted James for so long, and now, he was finally there. The way he was supposed to be.

He was such an idiot for never having recognised it before. It wasn't just James, Scorpius belonged with Teddy too. His connection with Teddy was so deep, and he should have really seen it for what it was. It was the love they shared.

"Don't hold back," Teddy whispered in Scorpius's ear, and Scorpius nearly let out a sob. He was so close to the edge and he was holding back. He didn't want this to end. He wanted to feel James against him forever. He needed to have Teddy's touch on him always.

"So close, love. So close," James whispered and when Scorpius looked at him, James was looking right at Scorpius. He was talking to Scorpius. And that was everything.

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series: worth the wait, pairing: james sirius/scorpius, threesome: teddy/james/scorpius, community: hp_nextgen100, rating: nc-17, -threesome, pairing: teddy/james

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