Something Silly

Oct 25, 2017 17:51

I have been dealing with chronic fatigue and chronic pain for the past few months - and it's been getting bad and worse, good and bad, you never know, on a daily basis that I see the promotional banners for HDS_BELTANE all I'm thinking is neck and shoulder massage -- lower back pain. Do Harry and Draco need ICY HOT ( Read more... )

about: dig should be working instead, about: dig quotes anais nin, about: funny things, about: what is this life?, about: life

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Comments 5

mywitch October 26 2017, 02:57:19 UTC
We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are. That's really perfect :D


digthewriter October 26 2017, 15:56:32 UTC
It's good to remember that. Especially for myself!


mywitch October 27 2017, 02:48:05 UTC
It's worthy of embroidering on a pillow! :D


merlocked18 October 26 2017, 20:24:34 UTC


dear lord that gif :)))))


digthewriter October 26 2017, 20:29:52 UTC


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